What’s in a name?
In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare says, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Read more
In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare says, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Read more
As children, my sister and I shared a hatred of clowns Read more
Actress Maggie Smith once said, “The time onstage is easier than the rest of one’s existence. Read more
During a recent visit, my primary care physician and high school friend asked me, “Do you know what your secret superpower is?” Read more
Hospitality has a lot to do with culture. I’m talking about your home culture and the culture of your community. Read more
One of the challenges of a career in hospitality is that you don’t get holidays off. Holidays are some of the busiest nights of the year for restaurants, where it’s an all-hands-on-deck situation. Read more
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I’ve often talked about wabi-sabi, the Japanese concept of embracing earthly impermanence and finding pleasure in imperfection. Read more
The Olympics have always been a miracle for me. Athletes from every country and territory coming together to compete in the name of peace and goodwill, showcasing both the potential of the human body and mind, to triumph over tragedy. Read more
In an extended showing of Diamond Head Theatre’s Tootsie, I had the recent pleasure and privilege of watching a former colleague blossom before my eyes. Read more
I recently returned from my first United States Bartender’s Guild National Conference in Denver, Colorado, where a dear friend and I had the privilege of learning from the most dedicated and inspired minds in the bar world today Read more
I recently returned from vacation in Japan, where I had the distinct privilege of touring the beautiful Suntory Hakushu Distillery, located in the mountainous Yamanishi Prefecture. Read more
I read that in 2023, the National Association of REALTORS was one of the largest lobbying spenders in the United States, second only to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Read more
While a few friends and I were discussing our favorite places to eat, we stumbled upon an interesting similarity. Read more
As a board member of the United States Bartenders’ Guild Hawaii Chapter, I recently joined forces with two amazing USBG women to lead a seminar on “Crafting Your Inner Boss” as part of USBG Ed Week 2023 Read more
I love language. It’s the reason I decided to be an English major, why I studied Japanese and French, and am proud to say I’ve been a conversational speaker of Pidgin almost since I could walk. Read more
The best thing anyone ever said to me was spoken by a young woman I was training as a server and bartender. Read more
When I was a child, I loved to read and draw. From building blocks to science projects, I loved anything that involved my imagination, and my mother and teachers started calling me “creative.” Read more
One of my first restaurant jobs was in the café of a nightclub, where I cut my teeth holding down the day shift, during which I could sometimes count on one hand the number of customers who would walk in. Read more
A deep feeling of dread spread down the back of my neck, like an icy hand, as I opened up the midnight text from my friend and United States Bartenders’ Guild (USBG) Hawaii Chapter president. Read more
My sister was helping me carry the groceries upstairs to my apartment last weekend, and gasped as she walked through the door, “It’s clean!” Read more
Cool. Confident. Calm. I spent this past Fourth of July weekend, blissfully, at a wellness lodge, meditating on these three words, learning to keep gratitude and warmth in my heart, and ice water in my veins. Read more