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2024 Election: Emil Svrcina

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2024 Hawaii & National Election Coverage
Name on ballot:

Emil Svrcina

Running for:

State Senate – District 18

Political party:


Campaign website:


Current occupation:

Computer specialist/analyst, programmer



Previous job history:

Scientist/Researcher, bellman, computer consultant, business owner,

Previous elected office, if any:

Neighborhood Board #25 active member (11yrs)

Please describe your qualifications to represent the people in your district.

Local resident for 26 years with world of experience. Scientist with common sense in finding true solutions. Fighter for righteousness, common law, freedom and prosperity for working people contributing to society with great love for Hawaii and family.

What is the most-pressing issue facing residents in your district and how would you address the problem?

Of course it is a cost of living, but that is only symptom of the cancer. Cancer being the enormous a/ corruption in the state government and government agencies full of unelected bureaucrats (causing inflation, unaffordable housing, high taxation…) b/ lack of election integrity in election system, and c/ lack of meaningful education of the people in Hawaii. Problem with lack of education is addressed by educating people personally during my podcast live on every Saturday 6:30pm on Rumble/WeConnectHI. Lack of integrity in HI Elections has been addressed with multiple lawsuits, first case# 20-974 already in 2020, where I was the leading plaintiff, which went all the way to the Supreme Court of USA. We have unfortunately not so “supreme” courts plagued with the same corruption locally and federally. Ballots in Hawaii are basically unlawful, there is no chain of custody and Hawaii Revised Statues are violated (For example with this mail-only unconstitutional system (the most vulnerable to alteration, forgery, and theft) if you call Office of Election they are not able to confirm that your voice has been counted). Hawaii was the 8th richest state of the union prior 2019. There is no justification for high cost of living other than lack of political will for meaningful change. Meaningful change being: end of the Department of Education – $2bill bureaucracy demoralizing our children, brake the shipping monopoly of Matson and Young brothers with reform of the Jones Act and bringing in a new and independent inter island ferry system, brake the monopoly of HECO (electric company) charging us 3 times the national average for kWh. Bring new cheaper sources of electricity like LPG or independent electricity provider with for example floating nuclear power plant. Stop the green deal taxation (selling of carbon permits) and instead release more land to farmers willing to produce local food for the needs of people of Hawaii for possible food self sufficiency instead of importing 80% of it. This will make Hawaii affordable again. If you want change you have to vote for it. Vote EmilClearChoice.com

What would you propose to be done at the state level to help residents cope with Hawaii’s high cost of living?

I wouldn’t even ask residents to “cope” with high cost of living I would get rid of high cost of living by getting rid of government corruption first. We don’t need recycled politicians in our government but experts, people well educated in other fields than corporate law. Government as the largest land owner in Hawaii can release more land (how about 5%) for housing development to lower the cost of housing. Government has to audit the various town home associations charging enormous fees keeping now even the renting unaffordable. State has to make the meaningful changes, stop their self dealing corrupt ways, and start governing with the consent of the govern or get out of the way of we the people: 1. Demand from our congressional delegation to reform the 104 years old Jones Act and make Hawaii exempt. That will immediately end the shipping monopoly and lower significantly the cost of food and all imported goods in Hawaii. Meaningful change means end of the Department of Education – $2bill bureaucracy demoralizing our children, brake the shipping monopoly of Matson and Young brothers with reform of the Jones Act and bringing in a new and independent inter island ferry system, brake the monopoly of HECO (electric company) charging us 3 times the national average for kWh. Bring new cheaper sources of electricity like LPG or independent electricity provider with for example floating nuclear power plant. Stop the green deal taxation (selling of inflated carbon permits/credits) and instead release more land to farmers willing to produce local food for the needs of people of Hawaii for possible food self sufficiency instead of importing 80% as it is now. No need for Hawaii residents to cope with the lack of political will of existing government members. Time to replace them- that will bring desired change – affordable cost of living. If you want change you have to vote for it. Vote EmilClearChoice.com

What can the state Legislature do to help Hawaii home and condo owners with rising property insurance rates?

Make tax incentives to homeowners fixing their properties themselves ensuring they can continue to afford and protect their properties.
Promote greater competition in the insurance market by attracting more insurers to do business in Hawaii. This can be done through regulatory reform and incentives for new market entrants.

Can Hawaii’s tourism-dependent economy be diversified, and, if so, what can state government do to support the effort?

Promote: technology, innovation, agriculture, aquaculture, “Made in Hawaii” brand in manufacturing, geothermal or ocean energy production, eco-tourism, cultural tourism, health and wellness tourism, and adventure tourism, movie production, arts.
Reform of the Jones Act will produce boom in shipping industry so related investments in infrastructure (land transportation, harbors, digital infrastructure) are needed.
Boost Research and Development in civil as well as within existing military.
Education has to focus on working people needs – strengthening partnerships between educational institutions and industries can ensure a skilled workforce ready to meet the demands of a diversified economy.
Don’t expect much with current government officials, we need engineers, smart people, and true patriots in government. If you want change you have to vote for it. Vote EmilClearChoice.com

What would you propose to help increase affordable housing in Hawaii?

The largest landowner in Hawaii the State of Hawaii corporation owns almost 40% of land so first this entity has to release some land for housing development (5% might be enough). Government then has to get out of the affordable housing business. The only help we the people need is for government to regulate the current outrageously growing fees the greedy home associations companies are charging to the house/condo owners. Making home ownership and renting increasingly less affordable. That has to stop. If you want change you have to vote for it. Vote EmilClearChoice.com

What can state government do to better support and improve public education in Hawaii?

Dissolve the last remaining dinosaurs in the entire USA – $2,000,000,000+ bureaucracy – Hawaii Department of Education. If you want change you have to vote for it. Vote EmilClearChoice.com

Should the state continue to pursue building a replacement for Aloha Stadium in Halawa? Please explain.

I think Aloha Stadium is ok in location where it is and sure can be 10000% improved if budget allows such an investment in the future.

Should members of the state Legislature have term limits like Honolulu’s mayor and City Council members?

If the election system worked properly with integrity and majority of people would participate, then these reelected incumbents would be serving people with the consent of the govern/voters. So no problem if they serve over and over. No term limit necessary. However with this abysmally low voters’ participation, ALL of these incumbents represent minority of people of Hawaii. Today Hawaii’s government is full of recycled well connected “pay to play” types of politicians. therefore as of today term limits would be appropriate across the governments – state and county. If you want change you have to vote for it. Vote EmilClearChoice.com

What reforms, if any, would you propose to make local government more transparent to the public?

Mainstream News Media have to do their job informing truthfully/educating the public. We have to know who are the lobbyists influencing the legislature against the will of the people, but for their own profit, greed, and control and boycott their services and products. Ethics commission has to do their job, courts have to do their job as well and punish the perpetrators. Sunshine law and severe punishment (forced resignation) for accepting campaign contribution during session.

What will be your top priority if elected?

Reduction of the cost of living and increase of quality of life for all working people and their families – as explained and specifically solved in previous answers – electricity production reform, transport monopoly reform, food self sufficiency reform, education reform … and mainly clean up presently corrupt election process and bring it back to the authority of precinct level. Voting only on election day and paper ballot voting and manual counting by the people of the precinct – no more machines, no more unattended boxes in parks, no more anonymous taxis transporting boxes full of ballots to the state capitol, and other violations of Hawaii Revised Statues. Only then we can talk about Reduction of the cost of living and only if you vote. If you want change you have to vote for it. Vote EmilClearChoice.com

Is there anything more that you would like voters to know about you?

We (me with my wife only) came to USA after escaping communism 36 years ago. After 8 years in California and one year in Washington State we settled in Hawaii. We didn’t come to this country for handouts and worked hard to be where we are today. We love the founding ideas of USA, the freedoms, justice, and we love Hawaii. My love for my family, my wife and 40 years of marriage, my 5 children, … that all motivates me to run for this office. My love for righteousness and also because things in HI are not doing well and incumbent would otherwise run unopposed, made me realize it’s time to step up again and demand thriving and common sense future as the only option for all the people in Hawaii again. Join me in this bottom up movement. Help. If you want change you have to vote for it. It’s time for Hawaii. Vote EmilClearChoice.com

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