Question: Is the fireworks amnesty only one day? Also, is there a dropoff in Ewa Beach?
Answer: Yes, the “no questions asked” disposal of unwanted or illegal fireworks is scheduled for one day, this Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at four fire stations on Oahu. No, there isn’t a dropoff point in Ewa Beach. The dropoff locations are:
>> Fire Station 9 (Kakaako), 555 Queen St.
>> Fire Station 12 (Waipahu), 94-121 Leonui St.
>> Fire Station 40 (Kapolei), 2020 Lauwiliwili St., near Costco
>> Fire Station 41 (Mililani Mauka), 95-1990 Meheula Parkway
A state Department of Law Enforcement flyer explains the process:
>> Fireworks must be transported for dropoff in a container in the vehicle’s trunk. Driver must remain in the vehicle while first responders remove the fireworks.
>> Items accepted: Firecrackers, sparklers, fountains, cracker balls, aerial shells, aerial tubes, Roman candles, “cakes” and skyrockets.
>> Items not accepted: Homemade or modified fireworks, improvised explosives, guns and ammunition. Please call 911 about these items, the flyer says.
>> No fireworks will be accepted for disposal at these locations after Sunday.
>> Anyone who has questions can call 808-837-8470, which is the Narcotics Enforcement Division of the state Department of Public Safety, one of multiple agencies, departments or divisions supporting Sunday’s fireworks amnesty. The state Department of Law Enforcement is the lead organizer, while the Honolulu Fire Department is supporting the event, HFD spokesperson Louise Kim McCoy said in an email.
The fireworks collected will be temporarily stored at a secure facility until they can be properly disposed of, a DLE spokesperson said.
As during past holiday seasons, Kokua Line has received numerous complaints about illegal aerial fireworks being set off in neighborhoods around Oahu, including concussive blasts in the middle of the night that rattle windows, set off car alarms and unsettle pets and people. As readers have pointed out, these are not celebratory displays of light and color, they are unnerving explosions that, among other things, can ignite dangerous fires in densely populated neighborhoods with only one road out. Frustration about scofflaws who give no thought to their neighbors’ well-being seems to be mounting, as the illegal blasts occur long before the traditional New Year’s use of legal firecrackers.
Q: I reserved a pet sitter who is no longer available. I went on social media but got confusing mixed responses. Is there a directory service?
A: The Hawaiian Humane Society lists several dozen pet-boarding or pet-sitting possibilities on its website, at, in a list that was most recently updated in June. You can also access the list from the nonprofit’s home page,, in the Resources tab’s pull-down menu. Inclusion on the list does not mean the Humane Society recommends the service.
It’s bad enough that the residents of Nuuanu lost TheBus Route 121 this past August and are now dependent only on Route 4, which is chronically late especially in the evening hours. On Tuesday, the 6:36 p.m. bus was scheduled to arrive at 7:15 p.m. at Stop 331 at Nuuanu and Bethel, according to the Oahu bus app. I didn’t wait and took an Uber home. This is just one of many examples. I don’t need to tell you that waiting for an overdue bus downtown in the evening is not an ideal or even safe situation! These delays really discourage people from riding the bus! — L.K.
After spending three months on the mainland we returned from Chicago on Nov. 29 and wanted a quick bite to eat at 8:30 p.m. We tried out Sakura in Mililani. The waiter told us the customer next to us paid our bill! Only in Hawaii this happens! Thank you. You have reminded us why we are so lucky to live here. People are actually nice! May you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! — Jan W.
Write to Kokua Line at Honolulu Star-Advertiser, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 7-500, Honolulu, HI 96813; call 808-529-4773; or email