Eugene Shimabukuro of Mililani emailed to ask about the nonstick Yoshi Copper Grill Mat.
With the help of my Uncle Tootsie, one of our family’s grill masters, I found that the mat does most of what it advertises: cooks food evenly, keeps items from falling through the grates, reduces flare-ups and keeps the grill squeaky clean.
But it doesn’t produce “perfect grill marks,” as its advertising promises, and the flavor doesn’t compare with direct, on-the-grill cooking.
In my uncle’s words, “You may as well cook it on the stove.”
He grilled steak, assorted veggies, hamburger, salmon and pineapple, placing one set directly on the grill and another set on a copper mat on the other side of the grill. The mat items took longer to cook (about seven minutes longer for the steak), and the smoky flavor was muted.
The seasonings used on the copper- mat hamburger (Cuban) and salmon (citrus) were actually more pronounced, and the items were more moist, probably because they cooked in their own juices, while the juices of the grilled items dripped onto the coals.
The pineapple slices cooked directly on the grill were so much sweeter than those on the mat that it was almost as though they came from different fruits.
>> Does it work?: Yes.
>> Pros: Dishwasher safe. Reusable. Kept fish skin attached, whereas the piece on the grill lost its skin.
>> Cons: The product’s website says to clean the mat, “just rinse it with soap and water.” I scrubbed it, and while most of the charred residue came off easily, some remnants remained.
>> Cost and availability: $19.99 (plus $3.99 shipping) at, $14.99 on and $9.99 at (free shipping on either site with minimum purchase)
>> Worth it?: My grill-master uncle wasn’t impressed.
Got a gadget that you love? Curious about one you’d like us to test? Email or write Crave, Honolulu Star-Advertiser, 7 Waterfront Plaza, Suite 210, Honolulu 96813.