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Race tightening, Trump goes hard after ‘Obamacare’

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump talked with customers during a visit to a Wawa gas station, today, in King of Prussia, Pa.

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gestured while speaking healthcare, today, in King of Prussia, Pa.

KING OF PRUSSIA, Pa. » With just a week to go, Donald Trump strove to blend a quieter, presidential tone with his usual tough rhetoric today, warning that a Hillary Clinton presidency would “destroy American health care forever.” Clinton pushed back with a scathing effort to remind swing state voters about her Republican opponent’s degrading comments about women.

The White House contenders clashed from afar — Clinton in battleground Florida and Trump in Pennsylvania — with the sprint to next today’s finish well underway.

For Trump, the day’s appearance marked a sharp shift from his standard brash tone as he delivered carefully scripted remarks focused on health care. He cautioned that Clinton’s plan to strengthen “Obamacare” would lead to dire consequences, although he offered few specifics about his own plan.

“If we don’t repeal and replace Obamacare, we will destroy American health care forever,” Trump charged.

He also promised, if elected, to call a special session of Congress to replace the law. Congress would already be in session when the next president takes office, however, raising the question of just what he meant.

Still, frustrated Republicans were encouraged that Trump was focusing on policy prescriptions — for one afternoon, at least — after a roller-coaster campaign marked by self-created controversy and political missteps.

Clinton worked to ensure battleground state voters would not forget Trump’s most damaging moments six days before the election.

Alicia Machado, a former beauty queen who Trump previously described as “Miss Piggy,” was scheduled to introduce the Democratic nominee in Florida. Trump spent several days in late September assailing the winner of his 1996 Miss Universe pageant, encouraging his Twitter followers this fall to view her “sex tape,” although none exists.

The Machado appearance was in line with Clinton’s broader closing argument against Trump.

Clinton, as has been all but overlooked in recent months, would be the nation’s first female president. Trump has faced allegations of sexual misconduct that complicated his struggle to win over women in both parties.

Clinton unveiled a new television ad today highlighting Trump’s history of sexist statements, including his remark caught in a 2005 video that he kissed women and grabbed their genitals without permission. “Anyone who does what he does is unfit to be president,” reads the final scene of the ad, which Clinton’s campaign says will run across eight battleground states.

At the same time, both sides sparred over the recent revelation that FBI investigators were again probing Clinton’s email practices.

A lawyer for Clinton aide Huma Abedin said today that her client learned from media reports last Friday that a laptop belonging to her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner, might contain some of her emails. The attorney said Abedin has not been contacted by the FBI about the development but she would cooperate if asked.

The revelation put Democrats on the defensive, at least briefly, and hurt Clinton’s plans to promote a positive message over the campaign’s final week.

Yet neither Republican nor Democratic operatives view the news as a game-changer in the race for Senate control. The balance of power in Congress could have profound consequences for the future of health care in America, among other policy debates.

Trump today promised to replace the federal health care law with health care savings accounts, while allowing states to craft their own Medicaid programs to cover the poor.

The nonpartisan Center for Health and Economy determined this summer that Trump’s proposal would make 18 million people uninsured, while also lowering premiums significantly for policies purchased directly by consumers. The nonpartisan Commonwealth Fund predicted that 20 million people would lose coverage under Trump’s plan while Clinton’s would add coverage for 9 million.

Trump today seized on projections of sharp health care cost increases as he campaigned in Pennsylvania, a state where some premiums are expected to rise by more than 40 percent. Trump was introduced by his running mate Mike Pence, who expanded Medicaid coverage as part of Obama’s law as Indiana governor.

Pence called Obamacare “a crushing weight” on the American economy. “We’re going to pull it off the market so it stops burning up our wallets,” he declared.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, who has been silent on Trump’s candidacy in recent weeks, told Fox News that electing Clinton and a Democratic-controlled Congress would be “the worst of all possible things.”

“For those of us who lived through the 1990s, it’s sort of a feeling like deja vu,” Ryan said. “This is what life with the Clintons looks like. It’s always a scandal, then there’s an investigation.”

Associated Press writers Lisa Lerer and Erica Werner in Washington and Julie Pace in Dade City contributed to this report.

38 responses to “Race tightening, Trump goes hard after ‘Obamacare’”

  1. st1d says:

    abc, wapo polls show trump now leading the female felon.

    got to be a blow to the congenital liar’s brown shirts to see a double digit lead lost due to the female felon’s dismissive condescending attitude towards the truth, american voters and her own party members.

    wasserman-schultz, brazil, and now abedin. the female felon’s spaghetti les team is losing its coconspirators faster than their flatulence disperses in the wind.

    • allie says:

      calm down. Trump is a shibai artist as we all know. He has no plan to truly help the working class. He is an entertainer. If elected, he will be out in 4 years.

      • bsbsbsbs says:

        Liberal Icon Michael Moore Finally Exposes Donald Trump; What Michael Moore has to say about Donald Trump:


        if this link isn’t active – you must cut and paste the entire string (from http to 404653) in your browser

        • Boots says:

          Yet Michael Moore is campaigning for sweet Hillary:
          Dear fellow MoveOn member,

          I just got back from Ohio, where I performed and filmed a one-man show in front of an audience consisting of many undecided voters, third-party voters, former Bernie supporters like me, people who are thinking of not voting—and yes, even Trump supporters, many of whom used to be part of the middle class and are now justifiably angry and thinking of Trump as their means of revenge against a system that has left them behind.

          It was clear while I was in Ohio—and it’s clear as I sit here at home in Michigan, also a battleground state—that this election could go seriously, seriously wrong, especially if there’s low voter turnout. I can’t knock on enough doors to swing the election by myself. Which is why I’m writing you today with a simple request:

          Will you chip in $2.70 to help fund MoveOn’s work to turn out voters in key swing states like Ohio?

          Yes, I’ll chip in now.

          While I was making my new movie, “Michael Moore In TrumpLand,” I spoke to many Trump supporters, and I’ve gotta tell you: They are decisive, organized, and disciplined. They are up at 5 a.m., organizing for their candidate.

          And let’s be honest: For a number of reasons, there are a lot of progressive-leaning voters who aren’t yet tuned in or fiercely committed to voting for Hillary Clinton. They might vote, but they need a personal reminder about why this is so important.

          And then look at the hurdles that are thrown up to stop poor, Black, and Latino folks from voting. There are longer lines in Democratic-leaning neighborhoods in big cities, and many states have discriminatory voter purges and ID laws. Voter suppression is what our side faces every election.

          We can win only if we get out the vote and protect the right to vote. We have to do EVERYTHING WE CAN DO to stop Trump, repudiate his politics on Election Day, and hold Republicans up and down the ballot accountable for his toxic campaign.

          And that’s what MoveOn is doing, especially in key swing states. Which is why I’m asking you:

          Will you chip in $2.70, or whatever you can afford, to help fund MoveOn’s work to turn out voters—and protect the right to vote—in key swing states? Click here right now if you can.

          Working hard from now to Election Day is critical—both to keep Trump out of the White House and to take back the Senate.

          After meeting so many Trump supporters, I have to tell you quite honestly that Trump could still win the White House. He may win, in part, because so many Hillary supporters—thanks to her stunning victories in the debates and his continued implosions—have now sat back, relieved and confident that the “election is in the bag!” Maybe you feel the same way, or maybe not.

          No matter what you think about Clinton’s chances right now, our task from now through Election Day is clear: We must turn out voters. Because we need to be absolutely sure that Trump loses. And we need to make sure we get a Democratic Senate—one with Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren leading the way.

          Are you with me and MoveOn?

          Click here to chip in $2.70, or whatever you can.

          Let’s make sure we win this. And let’s try to win resoundingly—so that we can take back the Senate, send Trump to the dustbin of history, and show other would-be Trumps that America is better than this. Misogyny, racism, and narcissistic greed are being proudly represented on this November ballot by its messianic candidate. Together, let’s send a powerful message that their days are over.


          —Michael Moore

          P.S. If you want to see my new movie, just click here to get it from iTunes. At my request, they’ve made it affordable for everyone. Also, MoveOn and I are working together to give voters in swing states more opportunities to see the film. Tell your friends about the movie, and then go knock on some doors or make some calls, for victory on November 8!

      • calentura says:

        What plan does Hillary Clinton have for anything? Has she ever had an original thought in her life. And you endorse this worthless coat tail rider?

        • Boots says:

          Actually just go to: https://www.hillaryclinton.com and you can lear a lot about what she will do. Sure is a better than a circus clown.

        • skinut says:

          She has very specific plans for just about every issue, which are easy to find online. One just has to make a little effort rather than listen to trump’s lies.

        • South76 says:

          I believe she has stated that politicians need to face: one for public and for personal. Clinton is bringing out the smoke and screen. She tries to woo the Grubber electorate with lies and deceit. Look at what she says about Wallstreet, she bash them in public but behind the scene, she has her hands out for the filthy $$$. Same thing with African Americans and other minorities, she woos them with free stuff to get their vote, then leave them in the dust once elected. If you ever watch her during her time in the WH and as a Senator for NY, she has never authored anything that will lift the lives of the minorities, what she has authored is to corner these minorities into government handouts; Social programs failed the minorities, in only got them hooked on government hand out and never left it, and look at the final result, same old same old. Now talking about the ghettos, Dr. Ben Carson lived through it and got out of it.

      • beachbum11 says:

        Do you need a ride to the airport? I can help. College student? Don’t think so, Sir.

      • cajaybird says:

        Allie, he has a lot more plans than Hillary. Hillary repeats her mantra of “high paying jobs”, but never explains how it will be accomplished, except for more government controlled projects. The last thing we need are more Solyndras and “shovel ready” projects. Hillary promised upstate NY jobs when she was a candidate for Senate. Guess what, they lost jobs. She never addressed the situation again. It was all political talk, empty promises. She has never run a business, not even a lemonade stand. Let me ask you this. Let’s say you worked in a Pizza Parlor. Who do you believe would be a better manager, Hillary or Trump? Who do you believe would have the experience to manage an organization like the VA? Who would be best at negotiating trade deals? Give it some thought.

      • kuroiwaj says:

        IRT Allie, union members across the Nation are happy that Mr. Trump is going to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a market driven workable plan that is employer based, where we can keep out Cadillac plans at a market cost. When Obamacare was approved by the Democrats, our healthcare plans were attacked by the Feds causing higher premium with lower care. Granted we members didn’t have to pay the increase, but we had to renegotiate our CBA’s to cover the “tax” on our plans. Vote Mr. Trump to, “Make America Safe and Great Again”.

    • amela says:

      If Hillary is guilty by association what about Manafort and Trumps Russian business connections with the Russian mobs? His campaign people who assault their wives and girlfriends. Christie’s close the bridge, Guiliani off his rocker and Ailes of Fox Network, etc, etc.

    • Boots says:

      Love your link.

    • Vector says:

      Let’s have some transparency from Donald Trump. He is constantly making unsubstantiated accusations against Hillary. Let him release all his taxes from all previous years. Then, we would be able to verify if he is as good as he says he is. He wants Hillary to find and release all her emails. He needs to do the same and release all his taxes. What the hell is he hiding?

  2. etalavera says:

    Clinton’s comeback to Trumps assertion that Obamacare sucks is that he said mean things about women???… LOL thanks for passing the bill to find out how terrible it actually is

    • serious says:

      I agree, but the sad fact is that the 47% of voters, on welfare, don’t want to lose their s-it and they are in the high numbered electoral states.

      • amela says:

        Hillary said the foundation is already there and fixes will be made so why start over and go through all the BS in congress again and waste important time. Did you folks miss the memo?

    • MillionMonkeys says:

      Trump is unable to get anything done. He’s only a promoter who can get people excited about basic thoughts that come into his mind. Anytime he tries to run something (Trump U, Trump Air, his own campaign!), it’s a disaster. Just look it up!

  3. saveparadise says:

    A philanderer for president? Goodness gracious. He would not be the first nor the last. “What if” we found out that Hellary had a secret love child somewhere out there? Would it make a difference on the issues? At this point he is pushing the issues such as Obamacare while she wants the circus soap opera to continue. Those predicting a Hellary landslide may be surprised. She had better be careful with her strategy.

    • amela says:

      No landslide necessary I’ll take a one vote win over Hitler anytime!

    • Boots says:

      Well I have already voted. I assume sweet Hillary will win as the Donald is just too far out to lunch. Shame he offers nothing. All he talks about is how bad Obama is but I will tell you something. I sure prefer the stock market to be where it is today than where it was under G W Bush. Shame the Donald is too chicken to release his taxes. Perhaps it would show officially what a crook he is.

  4. CEI says:

    Barry Hussein and his democrat socialist brethren overplayed their hand with Obamacare. The lies and deceit used to pass this disaster are bad enough. Now the uninformed are beginning to wake from their slumber as they are hit with massive increases in premiums and deductibles. Those of you who hope this will lead to single payer should know that rationing would soon follow and grandma would just be given a pill and directed to go home and “die with dignity”. Democrats who want to maintain some measure of credibility are running from this as fast as they can. Trump is correct in pointing this out as often as he can and tie it to Waldo. Time to show the Barry Hussein and the Clintons the door, good riddance.

    • Boots says:

      You are right. Obama never should have come out for Nixon care. He should have pushed for s civilized system such as is most other advanced countries. So now is the time to just push for medicare for all and be done with it!

      • CEI says:

        Single payer, yeah that’s the answer. Rationing by nameless, faceless government bureaucrats soon to follow and the government getting between you and your doctor, if there any decent ones left. That sounds civilized to me. I can see you’re not entirely comfortable with Obamacare since you insist on using Richard Nixon as a whipping boy for Barry’s folly. Time for a new shtick, no?

  5. Tita Girl says:

    Barry’s response to Obamacare is his usual Blame Game:
    “But you hit a point where if Congress just is not willing to make any constructive modifications and it’s all political football, then you’re getting a suboptimal solution.”
    IF he or any of the Dems who pushed this through had taken the time to READ the bill, they would have seen that the implosion was just waiting to happen.

    • Boots says:

      And if you far right wackos had offer anything of substance well …..

      But no, all you do is say how bad it is forgetting how bad it was prior to Obama Care. Well it is time to dump Obama care and go for Medicare for all. But I suppose Tita loves flirting with doctors or at least paying them big bucks.

      • Tita Girl says:

        Far right wacko? You have NO CLUE who I voted for and who I support. You also have no clue what type of healthcare I receive. Obama Scare has always been deeply flawed. Only a fool would support a bill that was doomed from the start. Or, someone who is getting a free ride. The government should never have stuck their nose into healthcare. The result is now we have less choices and higher rates and fewer insurance companies participating. AFTER being promised by Barry that we would pay less. Younger people who the libs depended on to buy in, and prop up the deadbeats, are forgoing healthcare. Or, they’ll remain on their parents plan until they can no longer sponge off their parents. And what is Barry’s plan? His usual Blame Game. Blame congress for his mess. But make no mistake…this was the intention of the libs all along. This is their path to single payer. And if Sec. Clinton gets in, that’s exactly where we’ll end up. She too promises “affordable care.” Good luck with that.

  6. Bumby says:

    The lying lady has the media spinning this article too. Why put in the story of Machado. Why not put in a story of the lying lady and her CNN contributor who was just fired by CNN for leaking the questions of the rebates to the lying lady. Machado story is such a fluff compared to what the lying lady’s husband did to women and how this lying lady persecuted the images of these women.

  7. MillionMonkeys says:

    “He also promised, if elected, to call a special session of Congress to replace [Obamacare]. Congress would already be in session when the next president takes office, however, raising the question of just what he meant.”

    LOL, Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about!!!

  8. hipatriot808 says:

    Let’s see…Obamacare told the insurers what had to be in each plan (essential health benefits), told them they had to take all comers with no risk scoring, told them what each level of deductible and copays had to be (metallic levels with an up front out of pocket of up to $6800), made it mandatory to buy but the penalties are way less costly then the annual premiums and then said, they’ll make up the difference since they knew this would undermine basic actuarial/underwriting models. So what happened…the young invincibles looked at the premiums, knew they hardly ever have a need to see a doctor, and when they do, they go to a walk-in clinic, pay $60 and be set. The insurers have hundreds of millions of dollars in losses due to not being able to determine correct risk and now the government is reneging to pay the promised risk adjustment/corridor payments to cover the mess they created. So what happened was designed to fail to move the system to a Medicare Part E (for everyone).

  9. skinut says:

    Trump realizes that it would be difficult to expand his base of supporters, so he needs to decrease the numbers of clinton supporters. In an October 27 interview, a senior trump campaign official actually told bloomberg business week “we have three major voter suppression operations underway.” Remember that trump also told his supporters to watch polling centers. Perhaps, not coincidentally, a complaint was just filed at a las vegas early voting center about a trump supporter yelling at people who told him they would not vote for trump. Police were called, as this is considered voter interference, but he ran off before their arrival.

  10. youngblood says:

    Did anyone notice trumpy has a new hairdo?

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