Technical problem knocks KITV newscast off the air

KITV broadcast a live feed of the San Francisco Giants baseball game in lieu of their 5 p.m. newscast due to technical problems in the master control room.
The 5 p.m. KITV newscast did not air Friday due to technical problems in the master control room, according to the station’s president and general manager Andrew Jackson.
Instead, the ABC-affiliate station picked up a live feed of the San Francisco Giants-Arizona Diamondbacks baseball game, which included an NBC peacock logo in the scoreboard at the upper left of the screen.
The station has the rights to air Giants baseball, “so we thought it a great value for viewers to air a live Giants game that would be blacked out in Hawaii,” as opposed to a Dr. Oz rerun, Jackson said.
Technicians were able to fix the problem in time to air KITV’s 6 p.m. newscast. Baseball fans were directed to KITV’s digital channel 126 to watch the end of the Giants game.