Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Friday, July 26, 2024 84° Today's Paper


Letters to the Editor

Kupuna Care merits funding

We urge Gov. Linda Lingle to sign Senate Bill 2469, which includes an appropriation from the Emergency and Budget Reserve Fund for Kupuna Care services. We also implore her to release the appropriation as soon as the act becomes effective on July 1.

Kupuna Care services form a critically important safety net that helps our senior citizens and frail elderly remain at home. Kupuna Care saves taxpayer money by keeping our vulnerable elderly from impoverishing themselves and being forced into the Medicaid program and into more costly institutional settings.

Kupuna Care is a good program (assistance at low operational cost to those of low to moderate income) based upon good policy, fulfilling our obligation to enhance and protect the welfare of senior citizens. SB 2469 demonstrates our commitment to fulfilling our obligation.

Laura Manis, Bruce McCullough, Eudie Schick and Michael Sumja
Members of the Kokua Council, Honolulu


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Deal with homeless from other states

Recently, I read that state Rep. John Mizuno said that "something needs to be done" about the homeless problem, since we are seeing an influx of homeless non-residents who use our state’s services.

Mizuno should be praised for finally noticing our growing homeless problem, though one wonders how pressing the issue would be to our lawmakers if there were no increase in mainland and Micronesian migration into our homeless system. We cannot stop anyone from coming to Hawaii, homeless or not, but perhaps it is time for Gov. Linda Lingle to call out those states who are offloading their homeless onto our state.

If the public shame of shipping off homeless people as if they were human trash to be dumped on others is not enough to stop these airfare subsidies, perhaps a lawsuit will convince them.

Chris Mikesell

Case did right thing for Democratic Party

I was deeply moved by knowing candidate Ed Case stepped down from the U.S. House race so the Democratic Party is not divided for the coming election. It took courage to do that.

I was deeply impressed when I listened to Colleen Hanabusa’s recent speech on KZOO radio. She was very sincere. I truly thought she is the one to represent the state of Hawaii. Unfortunately, I am not in the 1st Congressional District to elect her. However I am going to get a lot of support for her from people I know in the district. Colleen Hanabusa will not let down Ed Case’s generous decision to withdraw from the congressional race.

Grace Hayashi

It’s not Aiona’s place to rule on civil unions

This is in reference to Rep. Tom Brower’s letter regarding Lt. Gov. Duke Aiona and the civil unions bill ("Aiona could veto (or sign) civil unions bill," Star-Advertiser, Letters, June 11). He should know better than most that Aiona has stated his opposition to the bill. However, unlike Brower, Aiona knows that the decision to veto or sign this bill is for his boss, Gov. Linda Lingle, to make. Aiona has given her his recommendations and reasons, but the decision is hers and hers alone. Rep. Brower and 30 of his colleagues acted in disregard of the majority of the people who had elected them to satisfy a minority who choose to live a lifestyle freely and now demand privileges enjoyed by others. Lt. Gov. Aiona has values and principles, but one wonders about Rep. Brower.

Tom Fragas

Obama should be outraged at Israel

President Barack Obama has declared Kamehameha Day at the national level – and while we may celebrate the recognition of Kamehameha at the White House, I take issue with Obama’s comment regarding the Law of the Splintered Paddle protecting civilians in time of war.

Where was Obama’s concern for civilians when Israel attacked a humanitarian aid flotilla in international waters and kidnapped 12 American citizens earlier this month, including Honolulu’s own Ann Wright?

Why is it that the families of the 11 oil workers from the destroyed oil platform, at best an industrial accident, get feted at the White House while a 19-year-old born in New York dies with four bullets to the brain virtually without comment?

The U.S. government stands alone among all civilized nations in defending the nation that attacked American aid workers on the open ocean. Such action makes a mockery of Obama’s proclamation of King Kamehameha Day.

Michael Rivero
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