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District 01 – Steve Tataii (D)

Full name: Steve Tataii

Name on ballot: Steve Tataii

Age: 67

Political party: Democrat

Running for: U.S. House

District (House): 1

Email address: tataii2003congress@msn.com

Current job: Independent conflict resolution consultant

Place of birth: American citizen of Kurdistan descent in Hawaii since 1976

Campaign website: webarchive.loc.gov/all/20080925201325/http://www.tataiiforcongress.com/ – Updating it

Job history past 10 years:

Independent conflict resolution consultant

Vocational specialist University of Hawaii continuing education classes

Monterey Language Institute Heavy equipment engineer

Manager at Hawaii Neighborhood Justice Center

Ever run for public office? If so, when? Outcome?

U.S. House District 1 from Hawaii in 2008

U.S. Senate from Hawaii in 2006

U.S. House District 2 from Hawaii in 2002 (won the primary, but denied to proceed to the general)

U.S. House District 2 from Hawaii in 1992

State House from Hawaii in 1988, 1990, 1996, 1998

City Council seat from Hawaii in 2000

Other civic experience or community service?

Author of three books on Iraq War

Author of over a hundred articles on war strategy in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere in the region as a key contributing writer.

Oahu neighborhood board participant Hawaii Democratic Party Convention delegate

Author of several resolutions on international issues

Author of an environmental impact studies resolution at the WILD Conference at East-West Center

Author of several testimonies at the state Capitol Hawaiian language and culture enhancement supporter

What makes you qualified to be a U.S. representative?

My knowledge will help in educating colleagues in Congress to stay on the right track. My lifetime observation and learning about our world leadership shortcomings have trained me just for that. I speak six languages and have the skills and ability to become the best choice in this capacity for Hawaii, the nation and the world.

Do you support the use of U.S. combat troops in Syria to defeat the Islamic State group, or to end the rule of President Bashar Assad?

U.S. combat troops in Syria must be used when Kurdish fighters request their presence under certain circumstances. Kurdish military of the YPG (a Kurdish militia) and the YPJ (the female brigade of the YPG), are in control of the situation on the ground, coordinating with the U.S. Air Force in their bombing of key terrorist targets. YPG-YPJ in Aleppo need advanced weapons.

Do you support the continued use of U.S. troops in Iraq, or should those troops be withdrawn?

Our 2003 Iraq invasion has by no choice made us obligated to complete the task of regime change, post unintended consequences, because Iraqis and American people expected us to do the task responsibly and get out. We must now find new strategies to end sectarian collisions and eradicate terrorism requiring our presence.

Do you support the continued use of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, or should those troops be withdrawn?

We must examine the status of where we stand in Afghanistan, why we went there in the first place, our positive accomplishments, miscalculations and realistic necessity to continue to be there. An abrupt pullout is a bad idea; a gradual pullout, transferring our positions to Afghan equals, is ideal.

Should the United States recognize a Native Hawaiian government through an administrative rule or an act of Congress?

A Native Hawaiian government within the U.S. government in Hawaii must have its coexisting apparatus with U.S. and state governments equally and must be allowed to have an independent administrative rule, which would enable all Native Hawaiians to benefit from their own Native Hawaiian representatives on or off Hawaiian owned lands, ceded lands and Kahoolawe.

What changes should be made to the federal Affordable Care Act?

This is a question that needs my studies on the impact of this act. My expertise is in war strategies, and how we should best combat terrorism, which takes more time to study its news updates in at least three different languages than I need to spend on other issues.

Should the federal government legalize marijuana?

There needs to be a deeper study of the post-consumption of this drug on different individuals. Do some become violent, somewhat violent, calm, etc.? For example the studies have shown different individuals post-consumption of alcohol varies from person to person. I have to consider this in mind.

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