I’m thankful I live on an island that shearwaters call home.
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Back when we moored our sailboat Honu on the outer row of the Ala Wai Boat Harbor, every walk down the pier was a potential adventure.
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- By Susan Scott, Special to the Star-Advertiser
Nov. 10, 2018
We were at the moment hiking one of Magnetic Island’s superb trails where we saw seven koala bears in the wild.
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As much as I appreciate the privilege of anchoring and snorkeling on the outer reefs of the Great Barrier Reef, when I’m out there I miss land.
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I’ve had some experience working with Hawaii’s monk seals, but watching that animal emerge from the surf, its gray fur coat as smooth and shiny as dolphin skin, gave me chicken skin.
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A few types of hermit crabs, called anemone crabs, like to move into empty tun shells because they’re lightweight, and therefore, easy to tote around.
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Swimming in Hawaii’s royal blue offshore waters was a pleasure in itself. Having sharks and jacks swim fearlessly below with no chumming or baiting made the trip a memorable experience.
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Most acorn worms live in u-shaped burrows under sand or mud, sucking the surrounding substance into their mouths.
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Due to the recent storm and tradewinds, PMOWs have been common in Hawaii’s windward bays and on beaches.
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The name Portuguese man-of-war is tough to explain, hard for some people to remember, and the plural is a problem. In calling them blue bottles, the Aussies beat the Brits.
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Sea cucumbers have red gonads? Who knew?
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We Hawaii residents welcome strong winds in summer because they cool us off. But some of us like persistent trades and storm winds for another reason: They drive offshore marine life to island shorelines.
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Fishing is prohibited here in the Pupukea Marine Life Conservation District with the exception of Waimea Bay where shoreline hook-and-line fishing is allowed.
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- By Susan Scott, Special to the Star-Advertiser
Aug. 11, 2018
Following the success of “Blue Planet II” and “Planet Earth II,” BBC is embarking on a natural-history series called “Islands,” which will look at the wildlife, landscape and cultures of Madagascar, Sumatra and Hawaii.
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Hawaii hosts three species of hammerheads, the most common being the scalloped hammerhead.
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Even with all this good news, island rat eradication has its critics. Some people protest the killing of mammals, and others argue against the anticoagulant used to poison them.
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