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Island Voices


Column: Polled visitors back environmental fee

Hawaii’s breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture draw 10 million tourists each year who spend at least $20 billion annually here, according to the Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT). Read more

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Column: State government must lift cloak of opacity for public good

The essence of democracy lies in self-governance. Article 1, Section 1 of the Hawaii State Constitution states, “All political power of this State is inherent in the people and the responsibility for the exercise thereof rests with the people.” Read more

Column: $1 billion superjail is no solution for reform, housing, public health

Hawaii is at a crossroads. Lawmakers must make a critical decision about public safety and fiscal responsibility: spend $1 billion on a new jail to replace Oahu Community Correctional Center (OCCC) or implement more cost-effective solutions that address the real issues at the heart of the crisis we see on our streets. Read more

Column: Strengthen tools against domestic abuse

On Dec. 23, 2023, Theresa Cachuela was brutally shot to death by her husband while her young child looked on. It was only two days after she was finally granted a long-awaited temporary restraining order. Read more

Column: 10 chances to enact good government

Both chambers of our state Legislature have five chances this session to distinguish themselves as supporters of good government. A total of 10 worthy reform bills are currently divided equally between the House and Senate, just waiting to be heard and passed. Read more

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