Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Saturday, November 23, 2024 80° Today's Paper

Christine Donnelly

Christine Donnelly

Christine Donnelly is the Kokua Line columnist at the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. She answers readers' questions with help from experts in the field, and publishes readers' expressions of dismay (Auwe), apology (E Kala Mai) and gratitude (Mahalo). Questions run the gamut, with an emphasis in Sunday's column on topics that broadly reflect quality of life in Hawaii. Kokua Line runs five days a week.
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Kokua Line: Where will drug take-back be held?

Question: Please print the locations for the drug take-back. Both myself and my son have chronic illnesses that our doctors are trying new medications to control, so we have a few unused prescriptions and I don’t like having this other stuff around for a variety of reasons. Read more

Kokua Line: Will Ward Avenue contraflow return?

Question: Since March, there have been no contraflow lanes on Ward Avenue (right three lanes to Beretania Street) during morning peak traffic. The contraflow lanes did help ease the morning traffic on Ward, allowing a lane to stop at the light to turn left on Kinau Street and having two lanes have a clear access to Beretania. Will the contraflow lanes return? If yes, when? Read more

Kokua Line: Can I walk into DMV on a Saturday?

Question: When the DMV is open on a Saturday, must I have an appointment or can I walk in? I am the caregiver for both my parents and it’s very difficult to make an appointment for anything because I never know what family emergency will arise. But I do need to renew my driver’s license. Read more

Kokua Line: Must notice of transfer be signed at DMV?

Question: Does the signature on title of ownership transfer for vehicles have to be signed in front of a DMV employee? When selling or turning over the vehicle, must the signature of ownership be signed in person or can the person sign it due to not being able to go to DMV in person due to being incapacitated? Read more

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