There are no state proposed constitutional amendments for the 2020 General Election.
City and County of Honolulu
>> Shall the Revised City Charter be amended to establish for the Prosecuting Attorney of the City and County of Honolulu a term limit of two consecutive full four-year terms, the same term limit as is applicable to the Mayor and Councilmembers of the City and County of Honolulu?
>> Shall the Revised City Charter be amended to establish a Youth Commission under the Managing Director?
>> Shall the Revised City Charter be amended to allow the Honolulu Ethics Commission to control its own budget after it has been enacted?
>> Shall the Revised Charter be amended to require ethics commission staff to be appointed based on merit principles, but exempt them from the civil service position classification plan, and to have the salaries of all ethics commission staff set by the ethics commission, subject to specified limitations?
Kauai County
Relating to negligence claims
>> Shall Section 23.06, establishing a time limit for negligence claims against the county, be amended to comply with state law?
Relating to police chief qualifications
>> Shall police chief qualifications (Section 11.04) be increased to require fifteen (15) years law enforcement experience and a Bachelor’s Degree?
Relating to ethics disclosures
>> Shall the list of county officials required to file ethics disclosures (Section 20.04) be expanded to include the managing director, agency and division heads, and regulatory employees?
Relating to prosecutor vacancy
>> Shall the mayor, with the approval of the Council, fill a vacancy of less than 18 months in the Prosecuting Attorney’s position if a first deputy is unable to fill the position (Section 9A.05)?
Relating to county engineer qualifications
>> Shall an individual who has extensive work and supervisory experience in an engineering or related field also be qualified to serve as the County Engineer, head of the Department of Public Works?
Relating to Water Board manager qualifications
>> Shall an individual who has extensive work and supervisory experience in an engineering or related field also be qualified to serve as manager and chief engineer of the Department of Water Supply?
Maui County
Affordable housing fund
>> Shall the Charter be amended to require that a minimum percentage of the certified real property tax revenues be appropriated into an affordable housing fund beyond Fiscal Year 2021, to be used for the provision, protection, and expansion of affordable housing and suitable living environments; and to increase the minimum required percentage from 2 percent to 3 percent of the certified real property tax revenues, effective July 1, 2021?
Office of the Managing Director
>> Shall the Charter be amended, effective January 2, 2023, to reorganize the executive branch for the County of Maui to establish an Office of the Managing Director, wherein a Managing Director, hired by the Mayor through a recruitment and selection process involving the Mayor, Council Chair, and a three-member citizen group, shall function as the County’s chief operating officer responsible for the County’s daily operations, the appointment and removal of most department heads, and the implementation of County policy; the Mayor shall be the County’s chief executive officer responsible for supervising the managing director’s work, representing the County in intergovernmental affairs, having the authority to approve or veto bills, nominating board and commission members, and enforcing provisions of the Charter, County ordinances, and all applicable laws; and authorizing various housekeeping revisions?
Term limits for council members
>> Shall the Charter be amended to establish stricter term limits for Council members by limiting the number of terms a person may serve as a Council member to five full terms?
Standards for Charter interpretation
>> Shall the Charter be amended, effective January 2, 2021, to establish standards for interpreting and complying with the Charter, including by requiring a viable judicial action to be filed within 30 days to seek clarity when a conflict in the interpretation of the Charter is identified?
Charter Commission
>> Shall the Charter be amended, effective January 2, 2021, to authorize the Council to appoint nine members and the Mayor to appoint two members of the 11-member Charter Commission, which is required to study and review the operation of the County government?
Term limits for mayor
>> Shall the Charter be amended to establish stricter term limits for the Mayor by limiting the number of terms a person may serve as Mayor to two full terms?
Department of Agriculture
>> Shall the Charter be amended, effective July 1, 2022, to establish a Department of Agriculture to develop a sustainable regional agricultural system for Maui County?
Hawaii County
Technical, linguistic, and grammatical revisions of the Charter
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended by making various technical, linguistic, and grammatical revisions throughout the Charter?
Council meeting locations
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended to require that the Hawai‘i County Council hold an equal number of its regularly scheduled meetings in East Hawai‘i and West Hawai‘i?
Department of Research and Development
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended by clarifying the Department of Research and Development’s powers, duties, and functions?
Authority of Police and Fire Commissions
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended to authorize the Police Commission to discipline the Police Chief and the Fire Commission to discipline the Fire Chief?
Terms of Council members
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended to change the terms of office for Council Members to four years from the current two years, starting with the 2022 County Council term, with no current member serving more than eight consecutive years?
Public access, open space, and natural resources preservation fund
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended to allow monies in the Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resources Preservation Fund to pay salary, wages, and benefits for staff dedicated to supporting the Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resources Preservation and Maintenance Funds?
Discipline of Council members
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended to allow the County Council to discipline its members through temporary suspension without pay for disorderly or contemptuous behavior or failure to attend three or more regularly scheduled County Council meetings without being excused by the Chair of the County Council?
Department of Information Technology
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended by removing Department of Information Technology oversight of the information systems maintained by the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney and the Police Department?
Establishment of a Disaster and Emergency Fund
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended by establishing a Disaster and Emergency Fund for specific and limited purposes, to be funded by an annual appropriation of a minimum of one percent of real property tax revenues?
Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resources Preservation Maintenance Fund
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended to provide the Department of Finance full management responsibilities for the Public Access, Open Space, and Natural Resources Preservation Maintenance Fund and to expand the purposes for which the fund may be expended?
Mandatory Charter reviews
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended to align the process by which the County Charter Commission conducts its review of the Hawai‘i County Charter with the current requirements of State law?
Corporation Counsel
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended to require that qualifications to serve as the Corporation Counsel include being licensed to practice law for at least five years and having at least three years of supervisory experience?
Hawai‘i Fire Department
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended to modify Fire Department functions, Fire Chief qualifications, and Fire Commission powers and duties?
Membership on boards and commissions
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended to remove political party membership limits for the makeup of County boards and commissions?
Capital budget and capital programs
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended to require that capital improvement priorities be based on criteria aligned with the County General Plan, County community development plans, emergency expenditures, and other pertinent functional plans?
Board of Ethics
>> Shall the Charter of the County of Hawai‘i be amended to clarify that the rules of procedure of the Board of Ethics shall have the force of law and grant the Board of Ethics authority to impose civil fines for violations of the Code of Ethics?
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