Signs of Hawaiian Life: LC Waikiki edition, Nov. 24

While strolling the Dubai Mall, Cindy Maeshiro pointed out the LC Waikiki sign to fellow travelers Ruby Saito and Cal Maeshiro last November in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Photo by Liz Tango.

While on a three-week trip to Turkey in May, Jane Earle-Dabrowski and her husband, Andrzej Dabrowski, spotted this LC Waikiki store in Istanbul. Their guide, who took the photo, said he buys his clothes there. Photo by Ridvan Uyanik.

During a stop on a river cruise from the Danube to the Black Sea in June, Mona King threw a shaka when she found the store in Belgrade, Serbia. Photo by Frank Pulay.

In June, state Rep. Cynthia Thielen (Kailua-Kaneohe Bay) visited Kalocsa, Hungary, with her son David and his wife, Shirley, and was thrilled to discover a welcome reminder of home.

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