Back in the Day: Photos from Hawaii’s Past

Don the Beachcomber (Ernest Raymond Beaumont Gantt) shows Pan American Airways stewardess Nancy Venator plans for his proposed tourist hotel and restaurant in Tahiti. He has left for the Society Islands to confer with Gov. Jean Petitbon and members of the French Assembly in Tahiti on the project which hinges also on transportation problems.STAR-ADVERTISER ARCHIVE / AUGUST 21, 1961
This is what the 75-yard Ewa pool looked like ahead of the three-day Ewa Carnival. The pool was to be stocked with 10,000 tilapia, and fishing, as usual, was expected to be a popular attraction.STAR-ADVERTISER ARCHIVE / MAY 4, 1980
High above Makapuu, Jim Will banked to the right and looked to the camera mounted on his hang glider. Tugging a string, he snapped several shots of himself against the relief of Rabbit Island.STAR-ADVERTISER ARCHIVE / JULY 19, 1962
Eddie Giles, son of Sgt. Edgar Giles, has his cap autographed by Bing Crosby at the Kaneohe Klipper golf course, where Crosby played in a foursome with Lt. Cmdr. R.W. Mullane, Francis H. Ii Brown and club pro Mike Dietz.STAR-ADVERTISER ARCHIVE / JULY 16, 1976
Recidivism is one of animal warden Harry Louis’ biggest on-the-job problems. The other is with people who call him a dogcatcher. “Repeaters are an awful problem,” Louis said. “There are dogs around this town we’ve picked up 10, 12 times. You can’t blame the dog if his owners let him run loose.” Louis sits with a German shepherd on the tailgate of a Hawaiian Humane Society truck.STAR-ADVERTISER ARCHIVE / FEBRUARY 11, 1989
A boat trip — even if it’s just a carnival ride — can be frightening for a 2-year-old, as Stephanie Pak found out at the McKinley High School Carnival. Or maybe she was just trying to keep the rain out of her eyes. Behind her, undaunted, is 3-year-old Kula Stone.STAR-ADVERTISER ARCHIVE / MAY 6, 1959
Pickets from the AFL-CIO Brewery Workers Union, Local 91, appeared at Iolani Palace to protest a bill that would raise the price of local beer. HB 1686 would change the tax on beer to a gallonage basis. The price of a bottle of local beer would go up about 10 cents if the bill should pass.