After a 20-year hiatus between shows, the next monster truck event at Aloha Stadium won’t be long in coming, officials said.
“They are already talking about locking in a date for next year,” Aloha Stadium manager Scott Chan said Monday.
“We’re trying to make this an annual event,” Danny Torgerson, CEO of the Oregon-based Monster X Tour, which promoted the May 4 and 5 shows, said in a phone interview.
The events combined to draw nearly 65,000 fans through the turnstiles, Chan said. He said the number of tickets distributed was nearly 70,000.
An accompanying event, the May 11 Hawaiian Supercross, drew about 10,000, Chan said, while pre-event pit parties attracted several thousand more.
That made it one of the best attended shows, per capita, of the more than 50 shows Monster X puts on yearly, Torgerson said.
“It ranked up there with Moscow, Russia, which, obviously, is a much bigger market,” he said.
Torgerson said he initially expected a large crowd “just because it hadn’t been there in a while. The sport has evolved a lot in the last 20 years through TV and everything and has gone mainstream.”
But Torgerson said he was impressed enough once ticket sales began in December to add the second night.
“That exceeded my expectations,” he said.
Chan said, “To be honest, initially, I was thinking in the 25,000-28,000 range. I knew people were excited about the monster trucks coming back, but no way did I think a second and third event.”
While receipts from the show are still being totaled, Chan said the stadium expects to realize a “solid six figures” through rent, concessions and parking revenue.