Corrections and clarifications
The Honolulu Star-Advertiser strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage, call Marsha McFadden, managing editor/news, at 529-4759 or email city editors at
>> The Hawaii Supreme Court decided in 2017 that the state does not own the Tonggs sea wall, but does hold an easement giving the public the right of passage. While the court did not compel the state to fix the wall, it did hold the state jointly responsible with the private owners to repair and maintain it. Information in a story Sunday on Page D1 was inaccurate.
>> It was the Ulupono Initiative that issued the statement that it was suspending plans for Hawaii Dairy Farms. Attribution was inaccurate Saturday in an editorial on Page A8.
>> There are four people on staff at the Hui o Ko‘olaupoko He‘eia Estuary Restoration Project, where work is underway to rejuvenate native ecosystems in hopes of someday growing Hawaiian medicinal plants. The number of staffers was inaccurate Sunday in a story on Page E3.
>> Work is not yet completed on a new boardwalk and paved parking lot at Haena State Park on Kauai. A story Monday on Page B2 contained inaccurate information.