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Lee Cataluna’s recent column brings up what appears to be another unenforceable law that probably shouldn’t be on the books (“One person’s trash is another’s violation,” Star-Advertiser, Jan. Opens in a new tab4) Opens in a new tab.
She mentioned the malevolence of bulky-item “scavengers” stealing from the sidewalks discarded items headed for the landfill.
I disagree. Here’s why: The landfills are being overloaded already. People picking up useful items keeps that much waste out of the dump. The people who are discarding would probably not deny anyone the use of their unwanted items.
The people who pick through blue recycle bins are usually retrieving containers to supplement low income, or even “no income,” like many homeless. Small wonder there is no enforcement. I will leave a note on all my future bulk discards: Free to the public.
John Shockley
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