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Free medical care available this weekend for Big Isle residents

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Video by Sarah Domai / Honolulu Star-Advertiser
This timeline of maps provided by USGS shows the progression of lava from May 4 to June 5, 2018.
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Video courtesy USGS
Field crews conducted a helicopter overflight of the braided lava channel in Kilauea Volcano's lower East Rift Zone today, around 6:30 a.m., looking for spillovers.
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Eruption update of Puu Oo, Halemaumau, and the East Rift Zone in Lower Puna.
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Fissure 8 continued to pump lava and steam nearby a home on Nohea St. in Leilani Estates on Wednesday.

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A resident gate remained intact, Wednesday, amongst the fallen trees and steaming lava field near fissure 8 at Nohea St. in Leilani Estates.

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Fissure 8 continued building a tephra cone, today, and producing robust channelized lava in Kilauea Volcano’s Lower East Rift Zone.

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In this USGS photo released Wednesday, a geologist makes an early morning observation of the lava fountain and channelized flow at fissure 8 in Leilani Estates.

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The view of Halemaumau crater at 5:50 a.m. Wednesday. A moderate quake was followed by another explosive eruption at the summit early this morning.

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Fissure 8 lava fountains continued to reach heights of 130 to 150 feet Wednesday from within the growing cone of cinder and spatter, which was about 130 feet at its highest point.

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New land is formed by lava from Kilauea Volcano where the bay and village of Kapoho once stood. The new coastline, following the ragged lava-ocean interface, is approximately 1.3 miles long.

UPDATE: Friday 6:30 a.m.

Although fissure 8 continues to erupt, filling the lava channel on the way to the ocean in Kapoho, trade winds have returned and are pushing vog to the southwest.

The eruption presents no immediate threat, but residents should listen for be prepared for evacuation, the Hawaii County Civil Defense said.

Thursday 4 p.m.

Fissure 8 continues to erupt with a full channel flowing to the ocean at Kapoho, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory said today. Trade winds are pushing vog to the southwest.

Highway 130 from Pahoa to Kalapana Road is open only to residents with official credentials. Pahoa-Kapoho Road between Highway 130 and Nanawale Boulevard is only open to residents with official credentials.

Residents who suffered damage or losses from the Kilauea eruptions and earthquakes can register for disaster assistance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA):

>> A Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) is open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., located at the Keaau High School Gym.

>> FEMA, the U.S. Small Business Administration, and state and county government agencies will be present at the center.

>> Buses will be running between the two shelters and the DRC between 7:30 a.m. and 9 p.m.

Free medical, dental and eye care will be available Friday and Saturday at “Tropic Care 2018” at Keaau High School between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Free breakfast and lunch will be available for children.

Tropic Care is open to everyone, whether or not they are affected by the Kilauea eruption.

For more information, visit https://hilo.hawaii.edu/wellness/tropic-care-2018.php.

1:55 p.m.

An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 was recorded near the summit of Kilauea volcano this afternoon but did not generate a tsunami, according to officials with the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center on Oahu.

The quake was recorded at about 1:13 p.m. and was “likely associated with a summit eruption,” they said.

PTWC officials said the gas explosion at Halemaumau caused a blast wave that was not large enough to generate a tsunami.

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory officials said the gas explosion at the summit resulted in a small ash plume that may affect surrounding areas.

The seismic event was one of hundreds of magnitude 2.5 or higher earthquakes to rattle the Kilauea region over the last 24 hours, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.


PAHOA, Hawaii >> Lava pouring into Kapoho Bay has reached a depth of almost 200 feet, further indication of the high-volume output from fissure 8 in Lower Puna, where Kilauea began erupting anew May 3.

As of Wednesday, lava had covered 370 acres of ocean off Kapoho, according to Mike Zoeller, a geologist with the Center for the Study of Active Volcanoes at the University of Hawaii at Hilo.

Fissure 8 has proven such an effective conduit that is has stabilized volcanic activity in the lower East Rift Zone, nearly eliminating flows at other vents and lessening the risk of new ones opening, Zoeller said.

“Right now we’re not seeing any real changes to that rate,” he said.

The fissure also is producing 165- to 180-foot-high fountains at last report and feeding an 8-mile-long river of lava to the ocean.

Meanwhile, tradewinds of 10 to 20 mph are pushing vog out of interior sections of Hawaii island and can be expected to gradually increase through the weekend, bringing additional rain, according to meteorologist Matthew Foster of the National Weather Service.

Despite fissure 8’s starring role in the Kilauea eruption that has covered nearly 10 square miles, destroying 598 homes and displacing hundreds of residents, officials aren’t ready to consider giving it a more permanent place name, said U.S. Geological Survey spokeswoman Leslie Gordon.

Kilauea’s Pu’u ‘O’o vent, which has been continuously erupting since 1983, was dubbed after consultation with Native Hawaiian elders, Gordon said.

The federal Board of Geographic Names could take similar action with regard to fissure 8 upon request of the local community. Any name would be based on a recommendation from Native Hawaiians, she said.

8:45 a.m.

HILO >> Hawaii County Mayor Harry Kim checked out of the hospital and was at the Emergency Operations Center this morning.

Kim surprised everyone by appearing in the middle of the morning briefing. He spoke to the team and was very encouraging, Hawaii County spokeswoman Janet Snyder said. A cabinet meeting is scheduled at 9 a.m. today to discuss the budget.

“Most guys in his situation don’t work 10 hours a day,” said managing director Wil Okabe. “They slow down. Harry doesn’t do that. There’s only one Harry Kim.”

The number of homes damaged by the Kilauea eruptions, meanwhile, has grown to 598.

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reports that Fissure 8 continues to erupt, with lava fountains of up to 187 feet and a full channel flowing to the ocean in one major entry at the Kapoho coastline. Fissures 6, 15 and 16 continue producing minor spattering. Trade winds are expected to return today, pushing vog to the southwest.

The latest count of people registered with FEMA is at 1,015, who sought assistance online, by phone or in person at the Disaster Recovery Center.

Additionally, the U.S. Small Business Administration has handled 381 federal disaster loans, which are available to small businesses as well as residents impacted by the disaster in Hawaii County as a result of President Donald Trump’s major disaster declaration for individual assistance.

Hawaii County police and state conservation officers, meanwhile, have cited a total of 74 people for loitering in the East Rift Zone, according to state Department of Land and Natural Resources spokesman Dan Dennison.

Snyder said it is confirmed that chronically homeless individuals are staying at the emergency shelters set up for Kilauea eruption evacuees, but that no one would be turned away.

The DRC is open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and at Keaau High School Gym. The state Health Department is holding a Volcanic Ash and Vog Community Meeting at 6 p.m. today at Waikoloa Elementary & Middle School Cafeteria.

Thursday 6:15 a.m.

Fissure 8 continues to erupt, filling the lava channel on the way to the ocean in Kapoho.

Fissures 6, 15 and 16 are producing minor spattering. Trade winds are expected to return today.

As of Wednesday, 1,015 were registered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency for assistance and the Small Business Administration had handled 329 service requests from homeowners or businesses at the Disaster Recovery Center at the Keaau High School Gym.

Wednesday 6 p.m.

Trade winds are expected to return Thursday, pushing vog away to the southwest toward Kau and Kona.

The following policies are in place:

>> Leilani Estates, west of Pomaikai Street is only open to residents with official credentials.

>> Leilani Estates, residents who live east of Pomaikai Street can contact Civil Defense to schedule an escort to retrieve important documents and vital belongings. These escorts only happen when conditions are safe.

>> Government Beach Road is open to Papaya Farms Road.

9:30 a.m.

HILO>> More than 1,000 individuals seeking relief from the Kilauea eruptions have registered at the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Disaster Recovery Center at Keaau High School, according to officials this morning.

Most have questions about where they are going to live. A task force is working on housing options and speaking with church groups and landowners, according to Hawaii County spokeswoman Janet Snyder.

The public should be aware of ash fallout in Kau following a steam explosion at the Kilauea Summit at 4:22 this morning, which resulted in a 5.3 magnitude earthquake, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reported. Fissure 8 continues to erupt with a full channel flowing to the ocean. Fissures 16 and 18 are oozing, but there’s no threat.

Winds will continue to push volcanic emissions into the interior of the Big Island, including over Hilo, the northern parts of the island and then wrap around to the west, according to the National Weather Service. Sulfur dioxide and Pele’s hair may blow over Pahoa and as far north as the Hawaiian Acres area. Trades are expected to return Thursday.

Officials are also proposing a public viewing area, as widely reported on social media, but it needs to be vetted by several departments as well as the public first, according to Snyder

Meanwhile, doctors will determine on Thursday whether Mayor Harry Kim can check out of the hospital, where he is recovering from a heart attack, Snyder said. Kim has called for a meeting with department heads to discuss cuts to the budget after the Hawaii County Council voted down a proposal to increase the general excise tax on Tuesday.

The Disaster Recovery Center is open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Keaau High School gym. The Tropic Care health clinic is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today offering free medical, dental and eye care at the Keaau High School cafeteria.

The state Health Department will hold Volcanic Ash and Vog Community Meetings today and Thursday. Today’s meeting is at 5 p.m. at Konawaena Elementary School in Kealakekua. Thursday’s meeting is at 6 p.m. at Waikoloa Elementary & Middle School Cafeteria.

5:30 a.m.

Another moderate earthquake this morning in the Kilauea summit area was followed by a minor ash explosion and emission from the volcano.

The magnitude-5.3 quake struck at 4:22 a.m. 3.9 miles west-southwest of Volcano at a depth of 0.2 kilometers, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

No tsunami was expected, according to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

The small ash plume produced by the explosion rose to less than 2,000 feet as it was blown downwind.


6 p.m.

The National Weather Service says light winds overnight will push emissions into the interior of Hawaii island, including Hilo and northern and western parts of the island. Tradewinds are expected to build by Thursday.

The Department of Health will hold community meetings discussing volcanic ash and vog at Konawaena Elementary in Kealakekua at 5 p.m. Wednesday and at Waikoloa Elementary and Middle School on Thursday at 6 p.m.

5:30 p.m.

The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory said small overflows were observed on the north side of fissure 8’s channel near Pohoiki Road overnight and this morning. The overflows stalled this afternoon.

Another small, sluggish overflow along Luana Street is moving in a northwest direction.

Fissures 6, 15 and 16 continue to ooze lava and fume.

2:50 p.m.

Pacific Tsunami Warning Center officials said a 4.4 magnitude earthquake occurred at 2:24 p.m. centered near the south side of Kilauea Volcano.

This earthquake was not large enough to cause a tsunami.

The quake was felt as far away as Hilo, more than 50 miles from the epicenter, according to the U.S. Geological Survey website’s “Did you feel it?” self-reporting survey.

The USGS lists more than 300 quakes of magnitude 2.5 or higher over the last 24 hours on the Big Island.


A total of 894 people have registered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency for assistance as of today, according to Hawaii County Civil Defense.

The regularly scheduled community meeting at the Pahoa High School Cafeteria at 5 p.m. today will include representatives from the Small Business Administration and FEMA.

9:30 a.m.

The latest count of homes destroyed is at 577, according to Hawaii County Civil Defense at this morning’s briefing.

Those are homes that have been verified, according to Civil Defense spokeswoman Janet Snyder, by matching real property tax records with aerial surveys, which are ongoing.

There have been no significant changes on fissure 8, which continues to erupt, and the lava channel has split into two channels at the Kapoho coast, resulting in small laze plumes.

The National Weather Service reports that today through Thursday, light winds are expected to push vog into the saddle and interior areas of the Big Island.

Winds are expected to shift to a more east to southeasterly direction today, spreading vog westward from the Big Island over the smaller islands from tonight into Thursday. A new high-pressure system will bring in breezy trades by Thursday afternoon, clearing out the lingering vog from the smaller islands by Friday morning.

Pele’s hair may reach Pahoa and as far north as Hawaiian Acres, weather officials said.

Doctors will determine tomorrow whether Hawaii County Mayor Harry Kim will be discharged from the hospital, according to managing director Will Okabe. He is getting much-needed rest.

5:30 a.m.

There was another moderate earthquake followed by a small explosion and ash plume at Kilauea’s summit this morning.

The magnitude-5.3 quake struck at 5:05 a.m., 3.8 miles southwest of Volcano at a depth of 0.6 kilometers, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The gas and ash emission following the quake reached a height of about 1,000 feet and was blown downwind, the USGS said.


11 p.m.

The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory said fissures 16 and 18 continue to ooze lava while fissure 6 is mildly spattering. The size and shape of the flow field is virtually unchanged upslope but an additional 120 acres have been added to the western margin of the flow area since Friday.

The flow front at the coast of Kapoho Bay, fed by fissure 8, is about 1.5 miles across. Lava entry into the ocean is creating a large laze plume.

6:45 p.m.

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists say while the fountaining vent known as fissure 8 continues to be very active with a “channelized flow” entering the ocean at Kapoho Bay, lava is now oozing from three other fissures that are being monitored and described as “weakly active.”

Fissures 16 and 18 are oozing lava, while fissure 6 appeared as an orange glow with mild spattering during this morning’s overflight, scientists said. The flow field appears to remain stable.

Fissure 6 reactivated overnight, HVO scientists said earlier today.

Fountains from fissure 8 reached up to 180 feet high, with lava entering the southern part of the Kapoho Bay, near Vacationland. The delta formed there is now about 360 acres. The vent is producing a large sulfur dioxide plume and a large laze plume at the ocean entry, they said.

Hawaii Civil Defense officials say 5,914 acres or more than 9 square miles of land have been affected by the Leilani Estates eruption, which began May 3. A total of 533 homes have been destroyed.

11 a.m.

Fissure 6 reactivated overnight.

The fissure is displaying incandescence and mild spattering, according to Hawaiian Volcano Observatory officials.

Volcanic gas emissions remain very high from fissure 8 eruptions. Winds are expected to bring vog to the central, south and western parts of the Hawaii island.

9 a.m.

Seismic activity continues at the summit of Kilauea after this morning’s moderate earthquake. The fissure 8 vent is producing a large sulfur dioxide plume and also a large laze plume at the ocean entry, according to Hawaii County Civil Defense.

Free medical, dental and eye care will be available today, Tuesday and Wednesday at “Tropic Care 2018” at Kea’au High School. Additional screening days are scheduled during the coming weeks.

6:20 a.m.

A preliminary magnitude 5.3 earthquake struck the summit area of Kilauea Volcano at 6:13 a.m.

No tsunami is expected due to the quake, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.

5:30 a.m.

Lava fountains up to 165 feet high were seen rising from fissure 8 Sunday evening.

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory officials said the lava ocean entry remained broad with laze blown onshore. Fissures 16 and 18 continue to ooze lava.

Individuals should monitor air quality and limit outdoor activities if they have breathing issues. Air quality measurements can be monitored through the UH Vog Measurement and Prediction Project at http://mkwc.ifa.hawaii.edu/vmap/ .

The Disaster Recovery Center is open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Keaau High School Gym. Shuttles to the center leave every 20 minutes from the Keaau Armory and every hour from the Pahoa Community Center.

Shuttle buses will run on the following schedules:

Route 1 — Keaau Armory and Keaau High School parking lot to Keaau High School gym. Continuous shuttle every 20 minutes. The last bus leaves Keaau gym at 8 p.m.

>> 7:30 a.m. – Keaau Armory

>> 7:35 a.m. – Keaau High School parking lot

>> 7:40 a.m. – Keaau High School gym

>> 7:50 a.m. – Armory

>> 7:55 a.m. – Parking lot

>> 8 a.m. – Gym

>> 8:05 a.m. – Parking lot

>> 8:10 a.m. – Armory

Route 2 — Pahoa Community Center to Keaau High School gym. Continuous shuttle every hour. The last bus leaves Pahoa shelter at 6 p.m.

>> 7:30 a.m. – Pahoa gym

>> 7:35 a.m. – Pahoa Community Center

>> 8 a.m. – Keaau High School gym

>> 8:35 a.m. – Pahoa Community Center

>> 9 a.m. – Keaau High School gym

For a list of the information you need to bring with you, or if you want to register online, go to www.DisasterAssistance.gov.

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The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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