Applications are still being accepted for a limited number of prekindergarten spots in 13 public charter schools for next school year.
The state Public Charter School Commission will be making selections on a first-come, first-served basis following two prior rounds of selections.
Enrollment selection, according to the commission, is based on completion of an application packet, age eligibility (children must be born between Aug. 1, 2012, and July 31, 2013) and income eligibility (the family’s income must fall at or below 200 percent of Hawaii’s federal poverty guidelines).
The commission said a lottery system will be used if the number of complete applications exceeds the number of slots available.
For a list of participating charters, which are public schools that cannot charge tuition, go to
charterprek. Call 586-5227.
Meanwhile, applications are being accepted until Wednesday for child care subsidies through the state’s Preschool Open Doors program.
The state announced it had opened an additional application cycle for preschool participation between July 1 and June 30, 2018.
Preschool Open Doors, which serves more than 1,700 children, helps offset preschool tuition for eligible low- and moderate-income families for the year before kindergarten. Families can use the subsidies at any of the 434 state-licensed preschools. Funding for the program is limited, and underserved or at-risk keiki receive priority.
To qualify, children must be born between Aug. 1, 2012, and July 31, 2013. Applications can be dropped off or mailed to PATCH at 560 N. Nimitz Highway, Suite 218, Honolulu, HI 96817. Applications also can be faxed to 694-3066.
For information on income eligibility and to download an application, go to