‘Iolani’s Kamie Hamada and Maui’s Thereese Guzman both shot 4-over-par 75 and are tied for the lead after the first round of the David S. Ishii Foundation/HHSAA Girls State Championship on Monday at Kaanapali Golf Course on Maui.
‘Iolani leads the 10-team tournament at 232. Punahou is second at 242 and Mid-Pacific third at 243.
232—‘Iolani. 242—Punahou. 243—Mid-Pacific. 249—Waiakea, Kalani. 252—Kaiser, Baldwin. 264—Hawaii Baptist. 265—Mililani. 280—Kauai.
Kamie Hamada (Iol) 37-38—75
Thereese Guzman (Maui) 37-38—75
Malia Nam (Kais) 38-38—76
Claire Choi (Pun) 38-38—76
Kristin Miyagi (Iol) 43-35—78
Myah McDonald (MPI) 39-39—78
Naomi Wong (Iol) 38-41—79
Lori Kam Char (KS) 39-40—79
Isabelle Won (Pun) 42-37—79
Kaley Saludares (Waiak) 38-41—79
Jaelin Ishikawa (Bald) 42-38—80
Katherine Swor (Bald) 40-40—80
Miki Manta (Kaln) 40-40–80
Allysha Mae Mateo (Mryk) 38-42—80
Danielle Ujimori (MPI) 40-40—80
Tagirilani Luafalealo (Moan) 43-37—80