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Monday, July 22, 2024 77° Today's Paper

What should happen now that national security adviser Michael Flynn has resigned?

  • A. Thorough probe into Russia conversations (826 Votes)
  • B. Move on; he's out (494 Votes)
  • C. Unsure; what happened? (55 Votes)

This is not a scientific poll — results reflect only the opinions of those voting.

34 responses to “What should happen now that national security adviser Michael Flynn has resigned?”

  1. awahana says:

    POTUS should be next in short order. This is like Watergate.

  2. deepdiver311 says:

    the left lsm and the sa included are making a mountain out of a mole hill. it is a bump” caused by insider ic leaking and not a “car wreck.”
    clapper, ben rhodes and brennan going to jail!
    auwe! trump #maga!

    • cajaybird says:

      If they interview Ben Rhodes they’ll they have answers. If he isn’t the source of the leak(s), he most likely knows who is. I wonder how he would do on a lie detector.

  3. Maipono says:

    What really should be looked into is did the President Obama use wire tapping illegally against a private American citizen without FISA court subpoena, and who else did the deviously incompetent Obama wire tap illegally? The next President? The deeper you go, the more corruption and abuse of power we are going to find out about the corrupt Democrats and the incompetent former President Obama.

  4. keonimay says:

    Time to move on.

    POTUS Trump, has not been given a chance, to get out of the starting blocks.

    Most presidents, receive their first report card, after 100 days. POTUS Trump, was given his report card, after 100 hours.

    Where is everyone’s sense of fair play? A nation, is still waiting to be run.

    Political revenge, will slowly rear its ugly head, somewhere down the road.

    When you sabotage anyone, in a high political office, don’t expect a free ride forever.

    If you don’t believe it can’t happen, then give you boss, a rough time at work for a month, and see what will happen.

    • inHilo says:

      Keonimay: “When you sabotage someone…” I agree in principle but for the last eight years Republicans did everything they could do to block the President, so what did you expect? Suddenly, we’d go back to working together? My worry is we’re spiraling downward in a Hatfield-McCoy, tit for tat-type brawl that is making us hate each other, and it will be a long time before anyone can say forget the past and move forward. As for the poll, here’s an alternate version: If the world were to end tomorrow, whose fault would it be? A. Hillary Clinton? B. President Trump? Or C. Unsure. What happened?

      • keonimay says:

        We can’t stay, in political quagmire, forever.

        A nation, still has to run. Political appointments, have not been completed.

        There will be a great learning curve, for a successful businessman, who now wants to become a successful politician.

        We can’t stay at the bottom, of every political decision, because one day, everyone will require federal money or assistance.

  5. bleedgreen says:

    Unfortunately, we will never know the context of the telephone calls because the Senate republicans will not initiate an investigation into the nature and substance of the calls of President Trump’s campaign staff with Russian politicians. The Senate will, however, fully investigate the source of the leak(s) from within the intelligence agency, per Senate Majority Leader, Paul Ryan, as he announced within the past minutes.

  6. kuroiwaj says:

    The Justice Department must appoint a Special Investigator to investigate this issue of communications between the U.S. and Russia. Let’s go and find out the truth between GEN Flint and others in communicating with the Russians, or is all this LEAKS as part of Fake News from the “suspected” LEFT within the current Administration. Anyone found guilty by the Grand Jury must be arrested an tried. If the Courts find guilt, the guilty must be incarcerated. Let’s clean up America and work to Make America Safe and Great Again. Imua.

  7. Bdpapa says:

    Flynn is gone, just find someone else!

    • kuroiwaj says:

      IRT BdPapa, GEN Flynn is gone with too many questions. So, let’s clean up our Government and then move on. Don’t leave any question hanging. We can move on and investigate at the same time. Most critical, we will all have the truth and begin to work against “Fake News” and “Leaks” from anyone. In politics, it’s called “trust”. After Hawaii born ex-Presdient Obama, America has lost trust among its citizens.

  8. Wazdat says:

    The media sure hates Mr. Trump.

  9. Boots says:

    Meet the new swamp, ten times as big and deep as the old swamp. Is anyone really surprissed by this?

    • Bdpapa says:

      He hasn’t even broke the surface yet. I’m hoping for more efficiency and effectiveness. High hopes, maybe, but I always wish this with a new regime!

    • Maipono says:

      Interestingly, this is a swamp that was created by the deviously incompetent Obama to trap and snake bite President Trump by embedding political hacks into the intelligence agency. Hoping to embarrass President Trump by leaking sensitive information to a biased press, the attempt by Obama has backfired and actually public sympathy is with President Trump as we see his poll numbers climbing.

  10. Lindall says:

    Flynn was probably acting under Trump’s orders. We need to get rid of Trump before he ruins our beautiful country.

    • kuroiwaj says:

      Lindall, “Probably”, then you don’t know. Or, where did you get that fact of President Trump ordering GEN Flynn to have discussions with Russia. Are you attempting to spread “Fake News”?

    • cajaybird says:

      IRT Lindall: What would you say to the following, if it were said during the Benghazi incident: Susan Rice was probably acting under Obama’s orders. We need to get rid of Obama before he ruins our beautiful country.

      • Dai says:

        They’ve been saying this from day one. Go back and read the pronouncements from McConell and Boehner. They both vowed to make BO a one term president. They failed.

  11. fiveo says:

    The NSA and the FBI know what was said in the conversations between Flynn and the Russian ambassador as the telephone calls were
    monitored and recorded. All they need to do is to release the recorded conversations. There is no need for an investigation unless what you really want is a media spectacle so the politicians can grandstand for their constituents and they can drag this thing out for weeks,maybe months.
    Release the recorded conversations and then lets move on. The public can judge for themselves whether Flynn did anything improper.

  12. CEI says:

    Progressives loved Russia when it was the beacon of communism known as the Soviet Union. Now that Russia has moved towards capitalism and allows the citizens some measure of freedom the shoe is on the other foot.

  13. Readitnow says:

    Let’s move on from the Flynn story. Next story should be … why has Trump’s smile turned into a frown. Have you noticed how the corner of his mouth has gone lower and lower this week. Wow, not even a month and he looks this terrible. Well, terrible for Trump anyway. I have to give him credit though … it seems like he will survive the month.

  14. SteveToo says:

    Thorough probe into Russia conversations would most likely show he didn’t do anything wrong. He was turned in by an Obama appointee. Time for Trump to CLEAN HOUSE of all Obama leftovers.

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