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North Korea reportedly test fires missile, challenging U.S.

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In this Sunday, Jan. 1, 2017 file photo, South Koreans watched a TV news program showing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s New Year’s speech, at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea.

PYONGYANG, North Korea >> North Korea reportedly fired a ballistic missile early Sunday in what would be its first such test of the year and an implicit challenge to President Donald Trump, who stood with the Japanese leader as Shinzo Abe called the move “absolutely intolerable.”

There was no immediate confirmation from the North, which had recently warned it is ready to test its first intercontinental ballistic missile. The U.S. Strategic Command said it detected and tracked what it assessed to be a medium- or intermediate-range ballistic missile.

The reports came as Trump was hosting Abe and just days before the North is to mark the birthday of leader Kim Jong Un’s late father, Kim Jong Il.

Appearing with Trump at a news conference at the president’s south Florida estate, Abe condemned the missile launch as “absolutely intolerable.” Trump followed Abe with even fewer words, saying in part: “I just want everybody to understand and fully know that the United States of America stands behind Japan, its great ally, 100 percent.”

Abe read a brief statement in which he called on the North to comply fully with relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions. He said Trump has assured him of U.S. support and that Trump’s presence showed the president’s determination and commitment.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement the missile was fired from around Banghyon, North Pyongan Province, which is where South Korean officials have said the North test launched its powerful midrange Musudan missile on Oct. 15 and 20.

The military in Seoul said that the missile flew about 500 kilometers (310 miles). But Yonhap reported that while determinations are still being made, it was not believed to be an ICBM.

The missile splashed down into the sea between the Korean Peninsula and Japan, according to the U.S. Strategic Command. Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters the missile did not hit Japanese territorial seas. The North conducted two nuclear tests and a slew of rocket launches last year in continued efforts to expand its nuclear weapons and missile programs. Kim Jong Un said in his New Year’s address that the country has reached the final stages of readiness to test an ICBM, which would be a major step forward in its efforts to build a credible nuclear threat to the United States.

Though Pyongyang has been relatively quiet about the transfer of power to the Trump administration, its state media has repeatedly called for Washington to abandon its “hostile policy” and vowed to continue its nuclear and missile development programs until the U.S. changes its diplomatic approach.

Just days ago, it also reaffirmed its plan to conduct more space launches, which it staunchly defends but which have been criticized because they involve dual use technology that can be transferred to improve missiles.

Kim Dong-yeop, an analyst at the Institute for Far Eastern Studies in Seoul, speculated the missile could be a Musudan or a similar rocket designed to test engines for an intercontinental ballistic missile that could hit the U.S. mainland. Analysts are divided, however, over how close the North is to having a reliable long-range rocket that could be coupled with a nuclear warhead capable to striking U.S. targets.

South Korea’s Acting President and Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn said that his country will punish North Korea for the missile launch. According to the Foreign Ministry, South Korea will continue to work with allies including the United States, Japan and the European Union to ensure a thorough implementation of sanctions against the North and make the country realize that it will “never be able to survive” without discarding all of its nuclear and missile programs.

30 responses to “North Korea reportedly test fires missile, challenging U.S.”

  1. noheawilli says:

    Big deal, the tard packed 4 Estes D rocket engines into a giant piece of pvc made in China, and jumped up and down excitedly as he said ‘ha ha ha do it again, make boom sound, do it again’

  2. saywhatyouthink says:

    Bad move for Kim Jong Un, he’s not dealing with Obama anymore and is playing with fire. I won’t be surprised if Trump orders the military to take preemptive action against NK to take out their ability to fire any type of missiles that violate the UN security council resolutions.

    • Cricket_Amos says:

      Interesting idea
      And also include Iran

      Or maybe just proclaim that any country who has vowed the destruction of us or our allies will have any future missles destroyed in the air

    • jusris says:

      Or just draw another line in the sand…The world is laughing at him, they calling his BLUFF, they know he can’t fight…He the White Kim Jong Un to the rest of the world..#MAGA

    • klastri says:

      saywhatyouthink – This is yet another in a long line of examples why I’m comforted that you are not in a position to make decisions for the United States.

      So you think that Trump is going to “take out” North Korean missiles and start a war? How, exactly, are you suggesting that can happen without it resulting in the destruction of South Korea and countless lives, including Americans?

      What makes you write things like this?

      • saywhatyouthink says:

        You speak as if war with North Korea is not a possibility. Why do you think 30,000 US troops are in SK? And Yes, I do think Trump would take military action if it became clear that NK has intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the US mainland. Pretty much any former president would except Carter and Obama.
        Funny I don’t recall suggesting SK or any other country would escape destruction in the event of war, a better question would be why you feel the need to constantly make up lies?
        Frankly, I’ve never seen a more angry poster than you, constantly insulting other people with abusive comments whenever they disagree with your liberal views. I’m guessing you’re just a very unhappy person, probably alone in this world and wondering why.

        • el_burro_sabio says:

          There are angry people on both sides of the aisle. It’s going to be difficult to get everyone on the same page.

  3. islandsun says:

    another dictator with short man’s disease

  4. latenightroach says:

    Fat boy is jealous that Abe is playing golf with Trump & not him. Kim Jong Un dreams of having Gangnam Style.

  5. bsdetection says:

    Trump’s newest designated liar on the Sunday shows, Stephen Miller said, “what you saw was the president of the United States sending a powerful and unmistakable signal to North Korea.” Really? Playing golf sends a powerful and unmistakable signal? When Trump said that the North Korean missile test was “not gonna happen,” I guess he was drawing a line in the sand trap.

  6. el_burro_sabio says:

    Trump and Kim Jong Un are similar, they make big body on the playground and then back down.

    • klastri says:

      Trump manufactured a medical problem (that he couldn’t subsequently remember) to get five fake deferments from the draft. Flat out cowardice.

      He’s a loathsome coward who is now blustering by using the children of other people to make himself brave.

      He does know how to use cowardice as a tool however. He has convinced the cowardly to be afraid of Syrian widows and orphans. Just read the comments on here from Trump followers about refugees. What a disgrace.

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