Did you get a permit to buy and use fireworks for New Year’s Eve?
C. No, not popping (779 Votes)
B. No, but might pop anyway (120 Votes)
A. Yes, enjoy popping (83 Votes)
This is not a scientific poll — results reflect only the opinions of those voting.
18 responses to “Did you get a permit to buy and use fireworks for New Year’s Eve?”
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No! There’s enough noise and smoke in my neighbor hood with out me adding to it.
Agree, let the professional demonstrate their prowess at city-sponsored fireworks display! Why endanger self or create nuisance for neighborhoods.
I’m not burning my hard earned cash. lol, LOSE MONEY
What does this survey suggest? Poppers don’t read the newspaper.
That most folks who read this paper via online are OLD?
No need permit – get plenty illegal fireworks, including sky rockets and mini bombs.
I get free show watching the illegals from my bedroom windows.
Popping is pooping into other peoples space. People that live near me detonate what sounds like dynamite. The loud sound scares animals. One of my dogs totally freaks out and runs for safety somewhere. Some times it takes days before I can find him. Lots of people sedate their animals. The Humane Society gets a huge influx of lost dogs this time of year. A lot of grief for the distorted pleasure of some-few with money to burn. The really big turkeys pop of a few every night leading up to New years and then the biggest jerks of all save a few to wake up people in the wee hours of the morning. Keep calling 911 and maybe we can get some forced sensitivity .
Can’t think of a worse way to waste money. There has been stuff going off since Thanksgiving. How are they being smuggled in? This should be of great concern to the BATF. How can it be so easy to transport illegal explosive material?
No, I bought an AC, gas mask, and earplugs – no permit necessary.
Burn one string for the household….good luck for the coming year. Tradition for years…..
So is eating dog which still taste pretty good. just another dumb excuse when they say Tradition
So if you don’t value “tradition” or, most likely, don’t enjoy any yourself…..why put it down as a “dumb excuse”? Don’t poop on others, poop on your own bike seat.
Why get a permit, who’s going to enforce it? Low priority call.
How about “H – E – * L ~ L NO, this is the most IMBECILIC tradition in the Nei”??
It’s quite a tradition for 10 year old kids throwing Jumping Jacks in the street when cars are passing by. I wish our lawmakers here had some real fortitude.
Bottom line here folks is that the state is behind this permit nonsense only to make more money. NOBODY enforces it, NOBODY can! Law enforcement has to “see the individual actually light the fireworks” in order to make an arrest….and that’s just to make an arrest, they will probably lose in court anyway. Only fools buy permits.