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District 01 – Yvonne Perry (N)

Full Name: Yvonne Pieper Perry

Name on Ballot: Yvonne Perry

Age: 68

Political Party: Nonpartisan

Running For: House

District (House): 1 Special

Email Address: ypseanna@gmail.com

Current Job: Retired singer/actress

Place of birth: Honolulu

Campaign website: none at this time

Ever run for public office? If so, when? Outcome?

Yes, I ran for this seat in 1994 as a Republican to gain experience. Unfortunately, Orson Swindle won the primary. So I would be able to win the next congressional election, I went on to receive a bachelor of arts degree in political science from the University of Hawaii-Manoa. Not only did I study politics, but my major paper was on post-Cold War Russia and its nuclear weapons. Then I went on to graduate school at at Hawaii Pacific University. While there, I studied diplomacy and military studies: focusing on diplomacy, war and terrorism. For years, I have sung as a volunteer for the military and veterans, UH sporting events and promoted Hawaii. I’ve been around, studied and participated in politics my whole life in one way or another. I ask for your vote because I’ve paid my dues, I want to serve you.

Other civic experience or community service?

For decades, I have supported the troops and veterans, at times with great sacrifice to my own self. I believe in the United Nations and went to New York on a fact-finding peace mission during Desert Storm. The last three years, I have worked as an advocate for our Hawaii state library system. Ongoing, I am advocate for people of disabilities, especially handicap restrooms and entrances, as businesses skirt the law.

What makes you qualified to be a U.S. representative?

>> I have the intellectual knowledge of war from ancient times, Alexander the Great to now, and understand terrorism.

Do you support the use of United States combat troops in Syria to defeat ISIS, or to end the rule of President Bashar al-Assad?

The U.S. and Russia should work together as one to fight ISIS, but we are still in Cold War thinking. And we need a face to be the enemy/devil. I am not in favor of overthrowing al-Assad. In doing so, we will continue to destabilize the Middle East.

Do you support the continued use of U.S. troops in Iraq, or should those troops be withdrawn?

No, I do not. This is not a permanent job. Only those supplying the weapons and other war equipment love a long war. Ca ching, ca ching. One trillion, 2, 3. Dollars and counting. Many nations are cutting back on military but China and Russia are spending more.

Do you support the continued use of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, or should those troops be withdrawn?

Afghanistan is a moot war. Bin Laden is dead, so why are we still there?

Should the United States recognize a Native Hawaiian government through an administrative rule or an act of Congress?

Yes, Hawaii was stolen.

What changes should be made to the federal Affordable Care Act?

The act should be kept but simplified so everyone can understand it and implement it in the same way. Everyone needs health care. I know what it is like not to have health care. You can be/or think you are rich today, and lose everything tomorrow because of major illness and long-term care. Besides, you could outlive your savings. Those who have no medical or limited insurance seem to die younger.

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