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Clinton hits back at Trump, says he has ‘no answers’

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Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gestures as she speaks during a rally in Raleigh, N.C., today.

RALEIGH, N.C. >> Hillary Clinton pushed back against Donald Trump’s questions about her religion and her competence today, casting him as a candidate with not much else to say about how he’d lead the nation.

Over two consecutive days, Trump has sought to focus his struggling campaign on Clinton, as Republican leaders have demanded. On Tuesday, in a video clip of his remarks, Trump appeared to suggest the public doesn’t know “anything about Hillary in terms of religion.”

Clinton, who has spoken and written about her faith, retorted with a quote from John Wesley, the founder of Methodism.

“As we Methodists like to say: do all the good you can for all the people you can in all the ways you can.”

Clinton also went after Trump for remarks in which he accused her of being “a world class liar” who personally profited from her tenure at the State Department. “She gets rich making you poor,” Trump said hours earlier during an address in New York.

“Think about it. He’s going after me personally because he has no answers on the substance,” Clinton told supporters at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds in Raleigh. “So all he can try to do is try to distract us. That’s why he’s attacking my faith. Sigh.”

Both presumptive presidential nominees are attempting to unite their fractured parties ahead of the nominating conventions.

As Trump works to right his campaign from weeks of turmoil and poor fund-raising, Clinton was addressing her own challenge: drawing the supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders. She’s vanquished him in the critical hunt for enough delegates to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination, but Sanders has not endorsed Clinton. On Wednesday, he allowed that it’s apparent he will not be the party’s nominee.

On Capitol Hill, Democrats nudged Sanders to go further.

“I know he knows what’s at stake,” said House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California. “Two words: Donald Trump.”

Added Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina, “I would love to see Mr. Sanders endorse. Go all in.”

Clinton, assured of her party’s presidential nomination, paired her response to Trump with a populist pitch aimed at white, working class voters who backed Sanders and are now being courted by Trump. The nation, she said, needs an economy that, “works for everyone — not just for the rich or the well-connected.” She also castigated Trump’s “reckless ideas that will run up our debt and cause another economic crash. I’m here today to offer an alternative.”

Noting his famous catch-phrase from NBC’s “The Apprentice” — “You’re fired!” — Clinton said if elected president, “I’m going to make sure you hear, ‘You’re hired!”

The former secretary of state said she would push an array of economic policies aimed at creating better-paying jobs building roads and bridges, offering debt-free college to students and helping those with massive college debt. She also vowed to pressure companies to share their profits with workers and curb the influence of Wall Street.

Earlier, Clinton received a rousing reception from House Democrats in her first stop on Capitol Hill since clinching the Democratic nomination.

Greeted by chants of “Hillary, Hillary,” Clinton promised to use her massive campaign infrastructure to help Democrats win congressional races as part of what she called a “50 state strategy.”

“She said: ‘I know the difference between having the House and not having the House, and I want the House,” recalled Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash.

Clinton’s and Sanders’ campaigns are discussing ways of addressing key economic issues in the Democratic platform which will be approved at the Philadelphia convention, including trade, providing free college tuition and cutting student debt and expanding Medicare and Social Security.

Democrats said there was little discussion of Sanders or Trump in the meeting, which was more like a pep rally for Clinton’s campaign. At one point, the members ribbed Rep. Xavier Becerra — who’s been mentioned as a possible running mate — when he poured Clinton a glass of water.

Becerra later said that he is not currently being vetted as a potential running mate. Other potential contenders include Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who will campaign with Clinton on Monday in Cincinnati, Ohio, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro.

31 responses to “Clinton hits back at Trump, says he has ‘no answers’”

  1. sarge22 says:

    “I know he knows what’s at stake,” said House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California. “Two words: Donald Trump”. Mr Trump is on a witch hunt and he has two right here at the stake

  2. HawaiiCheeseBall says:

    So this was the big speech? Whatever, old stuff nothing new here. My tale, both sides stretch the truth. We all know that. No need to get excited.

    • lwandcah says:

      A big mahalo to the Democratic and Rebulican parties for giving the country absolutely no acceptable choice. I can’t remember another time where both candidates were so bad.

    • AdmrVT says:

      Wonder whose rubber band snaps first?

      • lespark says:

        Yep, Hillary had three blood clots already with the stress of the Benghazi massacre and the hundreds of innocent women and children as the result of her drone strikes. You are right, the candidates stretch the truth although Hillary has done more stretching, she’s such a dinosaur.

  3. Pocho says:

    Now we know the Democrats response to all Terrorist as Loretta Lynch spilled the beans today: the “most effective response” to terrorism is compassion, unity and love. OMG, this reminds me our Hippie days back in the 60’s 70’s. Flower Power!

    • Pocho says:

      and no wonder why Obama left ISIS the jv team alone to expand to what it is today. Experiment over Obama, your theory let down many US Citizens as many got killed by the Radical Islamic Terrorists.

  4. oiwi808 says:

    Is this a paid advertisement for Clinton?

  5. Pocho says:

    so let hear your answer Hillary: Did you really take on sniper fire landing at the Bosnia airport? tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock…

  6. lespark says:

    The Clinton Foundation
    1 for you, 10 for me.

    • klastri says:

      I cannot tell you how wonderful it’s going to be for me when Mrs. Clinton wins in a landslide.

      Trump is finished. Done.

      • lespark says:

        Trump will go wherever and hit hard but he hasn’t gone below the belt yet. He’s saving this for later. Hillary has medical issues which would preclude her from running for President. As more emails become available more of the following will come up.

        “On Nov. 16, 2015, Judicial Watch released an email exchange between her aides Huma Abedin and Monica Hanley dated Jan. 26, 2013, regarding Clinton’s schedule. They indicated it was “very important” to go over phone calls with Clinton because the former secretary of state was “often confused.”
        Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/02/doctor-hillary-taking-rat-poison-for-blood-clots/#zGhjKm0SFzFFq1jc.99

        Now you know why the teleprompters, no press conferences. Only very controlled activities.
        I can’t wait for the debates to begin.

        • Pocho says:

          Clinton’s IT guy just finished his Judicial Watch inquiry citing the 5th many times, Huma steps up to the plate soon

      • lespark says:

        Seriously, do you really want someone on the button that gets confused? That clot could pop anytime. Benghazi, drone strikes, behavior issues with SS and Staff? Her doctor said she is fit to be President. She must have been seeing
        Michael Jackson’s or Prince’s Quack.
        This might be not only the most corrupt politician but the sickest. Do you know what happens when you have a stroke. Brain damage due to lack of oxygen.
        What did Bernie say? Bad judgement. Now get back to the dungeon.

        • lwandcah says:

          Honestly, I cannot for the life of me actually believe that one or the other of these clowns will have authority and responsibility.

        • boolakanaka says:

          And Ronald Regan who was basically a puppet his last 3 years of office, with diagnosed dementia has a pass…..please you pillock simp.

        • lespark says:

          Your guy and gal screwed up. The SCOTUS affirmed the lower court’s decision. The 100,000 immigrants who were given green card status will be rescinded. If it was up to me I’d rather have them stay and not allow entry to 65,000 unvetted Syrians.
          Jordan citing security issues have stopped taking Syrian refugees.

        • lespark says:

          Who knows? Boo knows.

          However, Dr. Lawrence K. Altman, a physician employed as a reporter for the New York Times, noted that “the line between mere forgetfulness and the beginning of Alzheimer’s can be fuzzy,”[310] and all four of Reagan’s White House doctors said that they saw no evidence of Alzheimer’s while he was president.[310] Dr. John E. Hutton, Reagan’s primary physician from 1984 to 1989, said the president “absolutely” did not “show any signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s.”[310] His former Chief of Staff James Baker considered “ludicrous” the idea that Reagan slept during cabinet meetings.[311] Other staff members, former aides, and friends said they saw no indication of Alzheimer’s while he was president.

        • lespark says:

          Ron was trying to sell his book, trying to cash in on his father. He was no doctor. You guys must have met at the ballet, Buddhist church, no church?
          Gimme a break.

      • lespark says:

        Klastri, you are the attorney.The Secretary of State has very defined responsibilities on record keeping. Everything she did including Toilet paper is supposed to be turned over to record keeping if it was used in the discharge of her Office. Destroying records is in violation of A-01-001-01-10.
        The reason is among others to let the American People know what really was going on including Chelsea’s wedding. If she used Government time and resources in that activity that is theft.
        It’s interesting to note that she came up with the stomach virus, fell down, had a concussion, suffered a blood clot, had special prism glasses, all to fabricate and come up with some cockamamie fabrication of the Benghazi massacre which most people now refute.

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