Police hope video will help catch McDonald’s guard robbery suspects
Police are asking for the public’s help in identifying three people who assaulted and robbed a security guard at the McDonald’s in Pearl City.
At about 3:40 a.m. on April 16, a security guard approached three male suspects in the Pearl City McDonald’s parking lot, police said on the honolulupd.org website Thursday. The suspects allegedly assaulted the guard, robbed him and fled.
Police released security camera video that shows two of the men picking up a bag of food at the McDonald’s counter. A second video shows the suspects leaving the store.
11 responses to “Police hope video will help catch McDonald’s guard robbery suspects”
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Hopeful others have better luck than this Kupuna whose makas cannot make out any of these perpetrators because the photos are too blurriest!
Buy cheap, you get cheap. Maybe they’re still backing things up on old, worn out T160 VHS tapes.
This particular McD’s may need a guard to guard the guard who guards the guard.
same old people that keep Hawaii from advancing
Your stereotyping is a glimpse into your racist soul.
Shim is a high end privey north dakotan. Shim can say anything shim wants too. Heeeeeehaaaaaaaw shim donkey. Pure racist shim pathetic sad loser north dakotan life you have.
Wow, years after that Deedy Murder, McD still has this 1920’s movie format. Amazing. Just goes to show how much they care about employee/public safety.
Murder? What murder? Oh, you mean when the off-duty cop had to protect himself from the violent local guy? Yea, that case of self-defense, I remember it well.
Wow, kind of late, no? This occurred April 16th. Why did it take almost 2 months for them to put this out?. Heck, I barely remember what I did last week!
Perhaps we could have had a more timely request for public’s assistance. Something along the lines of the KSSK “Posse” and the Central Pacific Bank’s “CATCH” (Citizens Against Troublemakers and Criminals in Hawaii) would be welcomed again. Seems like the liberal “Catch and Release” has taken over. By the way, whatever happened to “Just Say No” war against drugs…I guess the druggies won?
Just say No was changed to OK JUST LITTLE BIT, as referring to medical marijuana.
Guard must have been wimpy to get robbed by a bunch of nerds.