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Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies

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Heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali stands over fallen challenger Sonny Liston, shouting and gesturing shortly after dropping Liston with a short hard right to the jaw on May 25, 1965, in Lewiston, Maine.

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George Foreman takes a right to the head from challenger Muhammad Ali in the seventh round in the match dubbed Rumble in the Jungle in Kinshasa, Zaire on Oct. 30, 1974.

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Heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali was held back by referee Joe Walcott, left, after Ali knocked out challenger Sonny Liston in the first round of their title fight on May 25, 1965, in Lewiston, Maine.

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Former heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali posed at St. Joseph’s Hospital Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix on Feb. 22, 2012.

He was fast of fist and foot — lip, too — a heavyweight champion who promised to shock the world and did. He floated. He stung. Mostly he thrilled, even after the punches had taken their toll and his voice barely rose above a whisper.

He was The Greatest.

Muhammad Ali died today at age 74, according to a statement from the family. He was hospitalized in the Phoenix area with respiratory problems earlier this week, and his children gathered around him.

“It’s a sad day for life, man. I loved Muhammad Ali, he was my friend. Ali will never die,” Don King, who promoted some of Ali’s biggest fights, told The Associated Press early Saturday. “Like Martin Luther King his spirit will live on, he stood for the world.”

A funeral will be held Wednesday in his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. The city plans a memorial service Saturday.

“What I suffered physically was worth what I’ve accomplished in life. A man who is not courageous enough to take risks will never accomplish anything in life.”
— Muhammad Ali, 1984

With a wit as sharp as the punches he used to “whup” opponents, Ali dominated sports for two decades before time and Parkinson’s Syndrome, triggered by thousands of blows to the head, ravaged his magnificent body, muted his majestic voice and ended his storied career in 1981.

He won and defended the heavyweight championship in epic fights in exotic locations, spoke loudly on behalf of blacks, and famously refused to be drafted into the Army during the Vietnam War because of his Muslim beliefs.

Despite his debilitating illness, he traveled the world to rapturous receptions even after his once-bellowing voice was quieted and he was left to communicate with a wink or a weak smile.

Revered by millions worldwide and reviled by millions more, Ali cut quite a figure, 6 feet 3 and 210 pounds in his prime. “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee,” his cornermen exhorted, and he did just that in a way no heavyweight had ever fought before.

He fought in three different decades, finished with a record of 56-5 with 37 knockouts and was the first man to win heavyweight titles three times.

He whipped the fearsome Sonny Liston twice, toppled the mighty George Foreman with the rope-a-dope in Zaire, and nearly fought to the death with Joe Frazier in the Philippines. Through it all, he was trailed by a colorful entourage who merely added to his growing legend.

“Rumble, young man, rumble,” cornerman Bundini Brown would yell to him.

And rumble Ali did. He fought anyone who meant anything and made millions of dollars with his lightning-quick jab. His fights were so memorable that they had names — “Rumble in the Jungle” and “Thrilla in Manila.”

But it was as much his antics — and his mouth — outside the ring that transformed the man born Cassius Clay into a household name as Muhammad Ali.

“I am the greatest,” Ali thundered again and again.

Few would disagree.

Ali spurned white America when he joined the Black Muslims and changed his name. He defied the draft at the height of the Vietnam war — “I ain’t got no quarrel with them Viet Cong” — and lost 3 1/2 years from the prime of his career. He entertained world leaders, once telling Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos: “I saw your wife. You’re not as dumb as you look.”

He later embarked on a second career as a missionary for Islam.

“Boxing was my field mission, the first part of my life,” he said in 1990, adding with typical braggadocio, “I will be the greatest evangelist ever.”

Ali couldn’t fulfill that goal because Parkinson’s robbed him of his speech. It took such a toll on his body that the sight of him in his later years — trembling, his face frozen, the man who invented the Ali Shuffle now barely able to walk — shocked and saddened those who remembered him in his prime.

“People naturally are going to be sad to see the effects of his disease,” Hana, one of his daughters, said, when he turned 65. “But if they could really see him in the calm of his everyday life, they would not be sorry for him. He’s at complete peace, and he’s here learning a greater lesson.”

The quiet of Ali’s later life was in contrast to the roar of a career that had breathtaking highs as well as terrible lows. He exploded on the public scene with a series of nationally televised fights that gave the public an exciting new champion, and he entertained millions as he sparred verbally with the likes of bombastic sportscaster Howard Cosell.

Ali once calculated he had taken 29,000 punches to the head and made $57 million in his pro career, but the effect of the punches lingered long after most of the money was gone. That didn’t stop him from traveling tirelessly to promote Islam, meet with world leaders and champion legislation dubbed the Muhammad Ali Boxing Reform Act. While slowed in recent years, he still managed to make numerous appearances, including a trip to the 2012 London Olympics.

Despised by some for his outspoken beliefs and refusal to serve in the U.S. Army in the 1960s, an aging Ali became a poignant figure whose mere presence at a sporting event would draw long standing ovations.

With his hands trembling so uncontrollably that the world held its breath, he lit the Olympic torch for the 1996 Atlanta Games in a performance as riveting as some of his fights.

A few years after that, he sat mute in a committee room in Washington, his mere presence enough to convince lawmakers to pass the boxing reform bill that bore his name.

Members of his inner circle weren’t surprised. They had long known Ali as a humanitarian who once wouldn’t think twice about getting in his car and driving hours to visit a terminally ill child. They saw him as a man who seemed to like everyone he met — even his archrival Frazier.

“I consider myself one of the luckiest guys in the world just to call him my friend,” former business manager Gene Kilroy said. “If I was to die today and go to heaven it would be a step down. My heaven was being with Ali.”

One of his biggest opponents would later become a big fan, too. On the eve of the 35th anniversary of their “Rumble in the Jungle,” Foreman paid tribute to the man who so famously stopped him in the eighth round of their 1974 heavyweight title fight, the first ever held in Africa.

“I don’t call him the best boxer of all time, but he’s the greatest human being I ever met,” Foreman said. “To this day he’s the most exciting person I ever met in my life.”

Born Cassius Marcellus Clay on Jan. 17, 1942, in Louisville, Kentucky, Ali began boxing at age 12 after his new bicycle was stolen and he vowed to policeman Joe Martin that he would “whup” the person who took it.

He was only 89 pounds at the time, but Martin began training him at his boxing gym, the beginning of a six-year amateur career that ended with the light heavyweight Olympic gold medal in 1960.

Ali had already encountered racism. On boxing trips, he and his amateur teammates would have to stay in the car while Martin bought them hamburgers. When he returned to Louisville with his gold medal, the Chamber of Commerce presented him a citation but said it didn’t have time to co-sponsor a dinner.

In his autobiography, “The Greatest,” Ali wrote that he tossed the medal into the Ohio River after a fight with a white motorcycle gang, which started when he and a friend were refused service at a Louisville restaurant.

The story may be apocryphal, and Ali later told friends he simply misplaced the medal. Regardless, he had made his point.

After he beat Liston to win the heavyweight title in 1964, Ali shocked the boxing world by announcing he was a member of the Black Muslims — the Nation of Islam — and was rejecting his “slave name.”

As a Baptist youth he spent much of his time outside the ring reading the Bible. From now on, he would be known as Muhammad Ali and his book of choice would be the Koran.

Ali’s affiliation with the Nation of Islam outraged and disturbed many white Americans, but it was his refusal to be inducted into the Army that angered them most.

That happened on April 28, 1967, a month after he knocked out Zora Folley in the seventh round at Madison Square Garden in New York for his eighth title defense.

He was convicted of draft evasion, stripped of his title and banned from boxing.

Ali appealed the conviction on grounds he was a Muslim minister. He married 17-year-old Belinda Boyd, the second of his four wives, a month after his conviction, and had four children with her. He had two more with his third wife, Veronica Porsche, and he and his fourth wife, Lonnie Williams, adopted a son.

During his banishment, Ali spoke at colleges and briefly appeared in a Broadway musical called “Big Time Buck White.” Still facing a prison term, he was allowed to resume boxing three years later, and he came back to stop Jerry Quarry in three rounds on Oct. 26, 1970, in Atlanta despite efforts by Georgia Gov. Lester Maddox to block the bout.

He was still facing a possible prison sentence when he fought Frazier for the first time on March 8, 1971, in what was labeled “The Fight of the Century.”

A few months later the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the conviction on an 8-0 vote.

“I’ve done my celebrating already,” Ali said after being informed of the decision. “I said a prayer to Allah.”

Many in boxing believe Ali was never the same fighter after his lengthy layoff, even though he won the heavyweight championship two more times and fought for another decade.

Perhaps his most memorable fight was the “Rumble in the Jungle,” when he upset a brooding Foreman to become heavyweight champion once again at age 32.

Many worried that Ali could be seriously hurt by the powerful Foreman, who had knocked Frazier down six times in a second round TKO.

But while his peak fighting days may have been over, he was still in fine form verbally. He promoted the fight relentlessly, as only he could.

“You think the world was shocked when Nixon resigned,” he said. “Wait till I whup George Foreman’s behind.”

Ali won over a country before he won the fight, mingling with people as he trained and displaying the kind of playful charm the rest of the world had already seen. On the plane into the former Congo he asked what the citizens of Zaire disliked most. He was told it was Belgians because they had once colonized the country.

“George Foreman is a Belgian,” Ali cried out to the huge crowd that greeted him at the airport. By the time the fight finally went off in the early morning hours of Oct. 30, 1974, Zaire was his.

“Ali booma-ya (Ali kill him),” many of the 60,000 fans screamed as the fight began in Kinshasa.

Ali pulled out a huge upset to win the heavyweight title for a second time, allowing Foreman to punch himself out. He used what he would later call the “rope-a-dope” strategy — something even trainer Angelo Dundee knew nothing about.

Finally, he knocked out an exhausted Foreman in the eighth round, touching off wild celebrations among his African fans.

“I told you I was the greatest,” Ali said.

That might have been argued by followers of Joe Louis or Rocky Marciano or Sugar Ray Robinson, but there was no doubt that Ali was just what boxing needed in the early 1960s.

He spouted poetry and brash predictions. After the sullen and frightening Liston, he was a fresh and entertaining face in a sport that struggled for respectability.

At the weigh-in before his Feb. 25, 1964, fight with Liston, Ali carried on so much that some observers thought he was scared stiff and suggested the fight in Miami Beach be called off.

“The crowd did not dream when they lay down their money that they would see a total eclipse of the Sonny,” Ali said.

Ali went on to punch Liston’s face lumpy and became champion for the first time when Liston quit on his stool after the sixth round.

“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee,” became Ali’s rallying cry.

His talent for talking earned him the nickname “The Louisville Lip,” but he had a new name of his own in mind: Muhammad Ali.

“I don’t have to be what you want me to be,” he told reporters the morning after beating Liston. “I’m free to be who I want.”

Frazier refused to call Ali by his new name, insisting he was still Cassius Clay. So did Ernie Terrell in their Feb. 6, 1967, fight, a mistake he would come to regret through 15 long rounds.

“What’s my name?” Ali demanded as he repeatedly punched Terrell in the face. “What’s my name?”

By the time Ali was able to return to the ring following his forced layoff, he was bigger than ever. Soon he was in the ring for his first of three epic fights against Frazier, with each fighter guaranteed $2.5 million.

Before the fight, Ali called Frazier an “Uncle Tom” and said he was “too ugly to be the champ.” His gamesmanship could have a cruel edge, especially when it was directed toward Frazier.

In the first fight, though, Frazier had the upper hand. He relentlessly wore Ali down, flooring him with a crushing left hook in the 15th round and winning a decision.

It was the first defeat for Ali, but the boxing world had not seen the last of him and Frazier in the ring. Ali won a second fight, and then came the “Thrilla in Manila” on Oct. 1, 1975, in the Philippines, a brutal bout that Ali said afterward was “the closest thing to dying” he had experienced.

Ali won that third fight but took a terrific beating from the relentless Frazier before trainer Eddie Futch kept Frazier from answering the bell for the 15th round.

“They told me Joe Frazier was through,” Ali told Frazier at one point during the fight.

“They lied,” Frazier said, before hitting Ali with a left hook.

The fight — which most in boxing agree was Ali’s last great performance — was part of a 16-month period on the mid-1970s when Ali took his show on the road, fighting Foreman in Zaire, Frazier in the Philippines, Joe Bugner in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Jean Pierre Coopman in Puerto Rico.

The world got a taste of Ali in splendid form with both his fists and his mouth.

In Malaysia, a member of the commission in charge of the gloves the fighters would wear told Ali they would be held in a prison for safekeeping before the fight.

“My gloves are going to jail,” shouted a wide-eyed Ali. “They ain’t done nothing — yet!”

Ali would go on to lose the title to Leon Spinks, then come back to win it a third time on Sept. 15, 1978, when he scored a decision over Spinks in a rematch before 70,000 people at the Superdome in New Orleans.

Ali retired, only to come back and try to win the title for a fourth time against Larry Holmes on Oct. 2, 1980, at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Ali grew a mustache, pronounced himself “Dark Gable” and got down to a svelte 217 1/2 pounds to beat Father Time. But Holmes, his former sparring partner, mercifully toyed with him until Dundee refused to let Ali answer the bell for the 11th round.

“He was like a little baby after the first round,” Holmes said. “I was throwing punches and missing just for the hell of it. I kept saying, ‘Ali, why are you taking this?’

“He said, ‘Shut up and fight, I’m going to knock you out.’”

When the fight was over, Holmes and his wife went upstairs to pay their respects to Ali. In a darkened room, Holmes told Ali that he loved him.

“Then why did you whip my ass like that?” Ali replied.

A few years later, Ali said he would not have fought Holmes if he didn’t think he could have won.

“If I had known Holmes was going to whip me and damage my brain, I would not have fought him,” Ali said. “But losing to Holmes and being sick are not important in God’s world.”

It was that world that Ali retreated to, fighting just once more, losing a 10-round decision to Trevor Berbick in the Bahamas.

With his fourth wife, Lonnie, at his side, Ali traveled the world for Islam and other causes. In 1990, he went to Iraq on his own initiative to meet with Saddam Hussein and returned to the United States with 15 Americans who had been held hostage.

One of the hostages recounted meeting Ali in Thomas Hauser’s 1990 biography “Muhammad Ali — His Life and Times.”

“I’ve always known that Muhammad Ali was a super sportsman; but during those hours that we were together, inside that enormous body I saw an angel,” hostage Harry Brill-Edwards said.

For his part, Ali didn’t complain about the price he had paid in the ring.

“What I suffered physically was worth what I’ve accomplished in life,” he said in 1984. “A man who is not courageous enough to take risks will never accomplish anything in life.”

Muhammad Ali’s record

W—56, L—5, KO—37 

Oct 29 Tunney Hunsaker, Lousville W   6
Dec 27 Herb Siler, Miami TKO   4
Jan 17 Tony Esperti, Miami TKO   3
Feb 7 Jim Robinson, Miami TKO   1
Feb 21 Donnie Fleeman, Miami TKO   7
Apr 19 Lamar Clark, Louisville KO   2
Jun 26 Duke Sabedong, Las Vegas W   10
Jul 22 Alono Johnson, Louisville W   10
Oct 7 Alex Miteff, Louisville TKO   6
Nov 29 Willi Besmanoff, Louisville TKO   7
Feb 10 Sonny Banks, New York TKO   4
Feb 28 Don Warner, Miami TKO   4
Apr 23 George Logan, Los Angeles TKO   6
May 19 Billy Daniels, New York TKO   7
Jul 20 Alejandro Lavorante, Los Angeles KO   5
Nov 5 Archie Moore, Los Angeles TKO   4
Jan 24 Charlie Powell, Pittsburgh KO   3
Mar 13 Doug Jones, New York W   10
Jun 18 Henry Cooper, London TKO   5
Feb 25 Sonny Liston, Miami TKO   7
  (Won World Heavyweight Title)
May 25 Sonny Liston, Lewiston, Maine KO   1
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
Jul 31 Jimmy Ellis, San Juan exhibition 3
Jul 31 Cody Jones, San Juan exhibition 3
Aug 16 Cody Jones, Gothenburg, Sweden exhibition 2
Aug 16 Jimmy Ellis, Gothenburg, Sweden exhibition 2
Aug 20 Jimmy Ellis, London exhibition 4
Aug 20 Cody Jones, London exhibition 4
Aug 22 Floyd Patterson, Las Vegas TKO   12
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
Mar 29 George Chuvalo, Toronto, Canada W   15
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
May 21 Henry Cooper, London TKO   6
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
Aug 6 Brian London, London TKO   3
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
Sep 10 Karl Mildenberger, Frankfurt, Germany TKO   12
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
Nov 14 Cleveland Williams, Houston TKO   3
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
Feb 6 Ernest Terrell, Houston W   15
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
Mar 22 Zora Folley, New York TKO   7
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
Feb 3 (Announced retirement)
Oct 26 Jerry Quarry, Atlanta TKO   3
Dec 7 Oscar Bonavena, New York TKO   15
Mar 8 Joe Frazier, New York L   15
  (For World Heavyweight Title)
Jul 26 Jimmy Ellis, Houston TKO   12
  (Won Vacant NABF Heavyweight Title)
Nov 17 Buster Mathis, Houston W   12
  (Retained NABF Heavyweight Title)
Dec 26 Jurgen Blin, Zurich, Switzerland KO   7
Apr 1 McArthur Foster, Tokyo W   12
May 1 George Chuvalo, Vancouver, Canada W   12
  (Retained NABF Heavyweight Title)
Jun 29 Jerry Quarry, Las Vegas TKO   7
  (Retained NABF Heavyweight Title)
Jul 19 Alvin Lewis, Dublin, Ireland TKO   11
Sep 20 Floyd Patterson, New York TKO   7
  (Retained NABF Heavyweight Title)
Nov 21 Bob Foster, Stateline, Nev. KO   8
  (Retained NABF Heavyweight Title)
Feb 14 Joe Bugner, Las Vegas W   12
Mar 31 Ken Norton, San Diego L   12
  (Lost NABF Heavyweight Title)
Sep 10 Ken Norton, Los Angeles W   12
  (Regained NABF Heavyweight Title)
Oct 20 Rudi Lubbers, Jakarta, Indonesia W   12
Jan 28 Joe Frazier, New York W   12
  (Retained NABF Heavyweight Title)
Oct 30 George Foreman, Kinashasa, Zaire KO   8
  (Regained World Heavyweight Title)
Mar 24 Chuck Wepner, Cleveland TKO   15
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
May 16 Ron Lyle, Las Vegas TKO   11
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
Jul 1 Joe Bugner, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia W   15
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
Oct 1 Joe Frazier, Quezon City, Philippines TKO   14
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
Feb 20 Jean Pierre Coopman, San Juan, P.R. KO   5
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
Apr 30 Jimmy Young, Landover, Md. W   15
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
May 24 Richard Dunn, Munich, Germany TKO   5
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
Jun 25 Antonio Inoki, Tokyo exhibition D   15
Sep 28 Ken Norton, New York W   15
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
May 21 Alfredo Evangelista, Landover, Md. W   15
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
Sep 29 Earnie Shavers, New York W   15
  (Retained World Heavyweight Title)
Dec 2 Scott LeDoux, Chicago exhibition TKO   5
Feb 15 Leon Spinks, Las Vegas L   15
  (Lost World Heavyweight Title)
Sep 15 Leon Spinks, New Orleans W   15
  (Regained World Heavyweight Title)
  (Announced retirement)
Oct 2 Larry Holmes, Las Vegas TKO   11
  (For vacant World Heavyweight Title)
Dec 11 Trevor Berbick, Nassau, Bahamas L   10

43 responses to “Boxing legend Muhammad Ali dies”

  1. Keonigohan says:

    One of the greatest if not THE Greatest! Powerful, grace, speed, colorful and let’s not forget…brash.

    • awahana says:

      Violence should never be revered. He died because of it. And who knows how much injury he inflicted on others as detrimental. R.I.P.

    • Pacificsports says:

      Forgetting about his defense, dancing away from opponent’s fist and, what no one else so far has duplicated, pulling his chin back and just avoiding jabs and punches to the face.

    • MillionMonkeys says:

      Balanced remembrance: Ali/Clay was one of the best boxers of the 1900’s. Real boxing experts don’t consider him the best. The Greatest was a media creation, based on him being a very excellent boxer and also his glib self-marketing talent. He lived at the right time, when his refusal to enlist helped spur the Civil Rights movement. And I do believe he was sincere about his conscientious objecting. Had he enlisted, he would have been given a safe job based on his celebrity status, like how Elvis’ assignment was to make training films. So I believe Ali did not refuse due to being a coward.

      But clear thinking will reveal that he was not a great role model. The trash talking, accepted as the witticism of a star athlete, is really not what responsible people want children to emulate. Rousing the folks in Zaire to chant “Kill him!” about George Foreman (a fellow African-American!) shows he lacked conscientiousness toward his opponents and for the people who might think his public insults were a good thing.

      Ali/Clay was not a bad man, and was a very good boxer. But he had enough faults that people should take his self-created “Greatest” title with a grain of salt. Overall, he was pretty good. R.I.P.

      • BlueEyedWhiteDevil says:

        I never liked him. Named after a famous abolitionist, he renounced Christianity, and to denounce slavery embraced Islam. Historically, Muhammad Ali was the most notorious slave holder in Egypt.
        Claiming that Islam forbids violence, he dodged the draft which endeared him to the hippies.
        A great boxer, but I still think his fight with Liston was a fix.
        I cant see venerating a Muslim draft dodger.

        • aomohoa says:

          Your name fits your racist views !

        • oxtail01 says:

          He did not dodge the draft – he opposed it based on his convictions. White America punished him for him and tried to strip him of his dignity . Of course a white trash like you wouldn’t comprehend that.

      • oxtail01 says:

        His greatness is not because what media said or created but it’s from what he made of himself. He was great!

    • Surfer_Dude says:

      I was a Marine in Da Nang when Cassius Clay was evading the draft and Trump was doing deals in Manhattan. Both were draft dodgers.

      • boolakanaka says:

        BS. His incarceration was deemed illegal by the US Supreme Court. He followed his faith and did five long years in federal prison, for an illegal prosecution. Facts, not bitter pithy platitudes….

    • Surfer_Dude says:

      I was a Marine in Da Nang when Cassius Clay was evading the draft and Trump was doing deals in Manhattan.

  2. PMINZ says:

    My best Wishes and Hope go up to Ali!!!!

  3. DeltaDag says:

    He was the thinking man’s kind of boxing champion.

  4. AhiPoke says:

    IMO, the greatest champion ever. My best wishes to Ali.

  5. Cellodad says:

    My favorite heavyweight ever. power, panache, and principles. I’m so sorry to see the price he paid but he has made a difference in the lives of many people. “If you can do it, it ain’t bragging.”

  6. HawaiiCheeseBall says:

    He was the greatest heavyweight of his time.

    • castle001 says:

      Yes, and he will also be remembered for being a conscientious objector.

      • boolakanaka says:

        Yes, he will, but it should be duly noted, as many are not aware, that his conviction was overturned by the US Supreme Court in 1971. Summarily, he changed race relations in the US and was at once a showboat, a man of immense integrity and faith, and an ambassador to the globe…..walk on great one.

  7. st1d says:

    ali, we have lost the greatest, and allah has welcomed home a faithful muslim. peace to his family.

  8. paniolo says:

    My deepest ALOHA to his ohana.

  9. aomohoa says:

    One of the best boxers of all time. May he RIP .

  10. Readitnow says:

    Yes … he was the GREATEST … as a boxer and a person.

  11. kiragirl says:

    A hui hou to The Greatest. Mahalo for the memories.

  12. KWAY says:

    As a kid I couldn’t stand Ali, and was elated when Smokin Joe KO’d him their classic first bout. But as I matured and better understood gamesmanship, originality, the sweet science, skilled athleticism, political activism, etc. I grew to admire and respect the man greatly. These turkey fighters now days (including the MMA guys) can’t hold a candle to “The Greatest of All Times”, not even close. I’m glad to have been alive when this man was.

  13. WalkoffBalk says:

    The Champ has passed.

  14. iwanaknow says:

    Did he ever visit Hawaii?

  15. scooters says:

    He was a very good boxer. But that’s it. He was a coward for refusing to join the military to fight in Vietnam, joined a violent Black Panther group and became a MUSLIM changing his birth name. If he had joined the military he would have never been sent to the war zone as he would have been the Army’s Boxing coach.

    • MillionMonkeys says:

      scooters, I agree with some of what you’re saying. Ali wasn’t the best boxer ever. He, with the media’s help, created the “Greatest” persona. Agree, he would’ve been given a safe job, and that’s why there was no cowardly motive in his refusal to serve. I believe he truly meant what he said regarding his objections to the Vietnam War.

      So I agree with those who say he was a leader, an agent of social change during the Civil Rights movement. But I think his trash talking was not a good thing. It’s never a good thing when people turn a blind eye to a public figure’s faults just because they are good at something.

    • bsdetection says:

      Refusing to join the military and fight in Vietnam was an act of conscience and bravery.

  16. Boots says:

    I was never into boxing but Ali was the exception. Boxing has not come close since he retired. Probably good but I will miss the greatest fighter that ever was. RIP Muhammed.

  17. lokela says:

    When he refused to go to war I was 100 percent behind him. I knew we should have stayed out of that one. Anyway he had a great style of boxing that I liked. RIP Ali. Floating like a butterfly now.

  18. bsdetection says:

    Trump: “Obama said in his speech that Muslims are our sports heroes. What sport is he talking about, and who? Is Obama profiling?”

  19. Bdpapa says:

    What a game changer! He came in at the right time for my generation. We needed someone to believe in and it was him. The mid sixties ws the Vietnam situation became a reality. He inspired thought and brought doubt to the war. Great self promoter and extremely entertaining to watch.

  20. wrightj says:

    There’s nothing like a hit to the head.

  21. WizardOfMoa says:

    Our preference was Joe Louis. When this young man came along and labeled himself The Greatest in the world of boxing – We gave him a nod and a token of recognition! He deserves whatever he considered himself to be. Throughout his loud and colorful career people like and found him entertaining. So be it! Fast forward to the present, our preference is still for Joe Louis, The Brown Bomber! RIP Muhammad Ali and in our humble opinions, you will get to meet that someone greater than you!

  22. retire says:

    The first boxer to ever give the sport a personality, a great showman.

  23. den says:

    he was one of a kind.
    a human like Ali only comes around once in a lifetime if your lucky.

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