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Clinton vows to defeat Islamic State if elected


Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during campaign at the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame in Tulsa, Okla. today.

TULSA, Okla. » Campaigning in Republican territory, Hillary Clinton said Friday her opponents are all talk when it comes to defeating the Islamic State group but she’s the only candidate with a specific plan.

“The others, they talk a lot, they throw out all of these approaches,” Clinton said at a rally in Oklahoma. “But I’ve been in the situation room in the White House and I know what it’s going to take and I will keep America safe.”

The Democratic presidential candidate and former secretary of state sought to emphasize her foreign policy credentials in the aftermath of a major terrorist attack in Paris and a massacre in California currently under investigation by the FBI as an act of terrorism.

Republican candidates have assailed President Barack Obama as being weak on responding to the rise of the Islamic State and are seeking to link the White House to Clinton’s record on foreign policy. Clinton has sought to offer an extensive plan to dismantle the terrorist group from the air, ground and online, and plans to outline her strategy for homeland security next week.

Clinton reiterated she would not send American ground troops to the region if elected president, saying it was “not smart” and is what terrorists would want to happen.

Clinton was campaigning in Oklahoma, a safe Republican state in general elections, and one of several “Super Tuesday” states holding Democratic primary contests March 1.

She joked: “I know that you don’t get many Democratic candidates running for president in Oklahoma. That’s one of the reasons I’m so happy to be here.”

Clinton spoke later Friday in Missouri, which has turned increasingly Republican but has historically been a bellwether state. The last time she ran in the Missouri primary, in February 2008, she lost narrowly to Barack Obama. The 2016 Missouri primary is on March 15.

In St. Louis, Clinton discussed her economic plan to supporters gathered at an International Association of Sheet Metal Workers union hall. She said one thing has become evident over the past 35 years: “Our economy does better when we have a Democrat in the White House. That is just a fact.”

She pledged to create more jobs, raise wages and ensure that women get equal pay. She touted her plan for a national infrastructure bank to help build and rebuild roads, bridges, dams and other infrastructure. She said she wants a “manufacturing renaissance tax credit” to return jobs from overseas.

Among those at the rally was Lesley McSpadden, the mother of Michael Brown. The fatal shooting of Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by a white police officer in 2014 in nearby Ferguson led to weeks of protest and helped spur the national Black Lives Matter movement.

A small number of protesters from the St. Louis-based Organization for Black Struggle briefly chanted at the event, but Clinton never paused in her speech.


Associated Press writers Ken Thomas in Washington and Jim Salter in St. Louis contributed to this report.

28 responses to “Clinton vows to defeat Islamic State if elected”

  1. CEI says:

    How can anyone take this woman seriously? Except the progressive journalists who lick her boots. She is a serial liar. Like her former boss, she has no record of accomplishment. Unless you want to call the ever worsening situation in the middle east an accomplishment.

    • serious says:

      Her husband and Obama all said the same thing—with their combined military background you can see what they accomplished.

    • kuroiwaj says:

      Hey, Hillary will laugh them to death.

    • Boots says:

      How can anyone take any of the republican candidates seriously? Two of the top candidates have no record of anything poloitical unless of course you want to call bankruptcies and the selling of baby parts accomplishments. lol As for Hillary, she is well qualified to be president. Any of the democratic candidates are. Shame republicans have abandoned republican principles.

      • Ronin006 says:

        Greetings Boots. What are her qualifications to be president? Wife of the president for eight years? High profile housewife counts for nothing. Eight years in the Senate during which time she accomplished nothing? For the record, she did cosponsor 713 pieces of legislation, of which only three became law. One established the Kate Mullany National Historic Site in Troy, New York; one was the naming of a US Post Office building in Averill Park, New York, after US Army Major George Quamo; and one was a bill to designate a portion of US Route 20A in Orchard Park, New York, as the “Timothy J. Russert Highway.” Four years as Secretary of state from 2009 to 2013? What did she accomplish during those four years? Hillary can’t articulate any, can you?

  2. Ronin006 says:

    Clinton said “I’ve been in the situation room in the White House and I know what it’s going to take and I will keep America safe.” Why wasn’t she there keeping Americans safe when Muslims terrorists were attacking our consulate in Benghazi and killing our ambassador and three other Americans? She was asleep at the switch and now wants us to believe she knows how to keep Americans safe. Only a fool will believe her.

    • Boots says:

      Well I guess the same reason your hero G W Bush did nothing when he had to deal with ’13 Benghazis That Happened Under his watch. Just because Americans largely didn’t die, something like 90 people did. I guess since they were not Americans, they don’t count? So typically republican. Finally of course there was GW’s biggest blunder which should never had happened that occurred on 9/11/01? Remember that?

  3. Donna2415 says:

    Let’s see. If Clinton is elected, at least four more years of being stuck in the Middle East quagmire that will cost us billions of more dollars going down a black hole plus more needless deaths. Has anybody thought of getting out of the Middle East altogether and let them go after each other. We are not going to solve their problems. Obviously, none of our leaders has studied Middle Eastern history. Use that money to reduce our enormous debt, improve our transportation infrastructure, help our poor and homeless, fund the Affordable Care Act, provide more scholarship money for college students and the myriad of other projects that are needed in our country instead.

    • HealthyandHappy says:

      Well there is always voter fraud, or outright electronic vote theft. And if that does not work they will try “metrosexual guilt”

      • inverse says:

        With Trump showing his true rac ist nature, the non Caucasian voters who do not participate in polling surveys will quietly vote for H Clinton over Trump just as they voted for Obama over Romney. Unscripted Trump cannot hide the fact he believes non-Caucasians are truly nothing more than hired help. The Repub party knows this and the reason they are scrambling as they realize success of Trump as the Repub candidate or as in independent will mean a likely win for H Clinton. There are not enough American voters like Paula Dean, Michael Richards, Mel Gibson and white power members to elect Trump president. A Cruz for Pres with Rubio or Carson as vice pres ticket with Trump out of the picture is the best chance for Repubs to defeat H Clinton and actually get American leadership to deal with the growing Islamic extremist crisis.

    • Boots says:

      Well if Clinton is not the next president, a republican probably will be. Do you think any republican will just leave? lol Republicans got us involved in this mess and their only response is to double down. Maybe Bernie would bring this mess to an end. Is that who you are for?

  4. st1d says:

    threatening the maker of a video is not the same as fighting isis or any radical islamic terrorist group.

    claiming you had to duck incoming sniper shots as you ran to safety when videos clearly show a completely safe and lengthy welcoming ceremony actually took place is not the kind of experience america needs in a president.

  5. den says:

    please, anybody but her.

    • Boots says:

      Just make it Bernie Sanders. Certainly please let none of the republican clowns running for president win the general election. We do not need another great depression and another military conflict.

  6. Tita Girl says:

    How will Hillary defeat ISIS? Will she acknowledge that it’s a rise in Islamic terrorism? Is she going to be guided by the “armchair experts” like Barry? Will she rely on the opinion of academics who have no real world experience—where everything they know comes from a book, Twitter or each other? Or will she use the information of men and women with real world experience? What’s the plan, Hillary?

  7. Maipono says:

    Say anything, then do as you please to make more money, lie if you must, but get the money… that’s the Hillary way. Remember how well the “reset” button went with Russia?

  8. MoiLee says:

    Comedy Central :Starring Hillary Clinton.
    Is this lady for REAL? Everybody knows this lady is a Big Fat liar,now she’s stooping to down “stealing ” Campaign slogans? “Opponents are all Talk”_VS Donald’s “Politicians are all talk and NO Action”.Sounds familiar?? C’mon now! “Sweet” Hillary ,you and Obama are the very ones responsible for the Rise in ISIS and the Huge mess in the Middle East . Talking about “Protecting us? Really? One word.. “Benghazi” .Ambassador Stevens and 3 other American lives,Lost! Now the FBI is finding out she ,had dropped the ball on that? Technically ,since 911,under this administration and yes! Hillary too,we had 2 terrorist attacks on the Homeland,one at the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi and one San Bernardino,CA…..More laughs? Here goes!The administration/Josh(Honest) Ernest denying the fact that the San Bernardino, was a Terrorist Attack…instead, Blaming it on “Gun Control” again. LOL! Yeah ,sure, what about the Pipe Bombs?? What about proposing “Pipe Bomb Control”… Ha!ha!ha!… Seriously….Everybody knows,These two had an Arsenal of weapons!
    She has as much experience dealing with Jihadist Terrorist as Obama has…..NONE! Ha!ha!ha! And this “NO Ground Troops” and leading from the behind,hasn’t worked before and will not work again! Is this insanity? If you are voting for Hillary,you are just as “Insane” Yes! Talk is CHEAP! I would love for her, to go head to head debates with either Donald Trump or Ted Cruz….WOW! If CNN or FoxNews wants Ratings? This debate ( if she fends off the FBI) will draw the HUGEst televised ratings. IMUA

  9. wrightj says:

    So just how do we stop the terrorist attacks? Change the president?

  10. inlanikai says:

    ” … but she’s the only candidate with a specific plan.

    “The others, they talk a lot, they throw out all of these approaches,” Clinton said ”

    OK, so what’s YOUR specific plan?

  11. Ronin006 says:

    How ironic. Hillary has a plan to defeat the terrorist group that she helped create by her failed policies as Secretary of State for four years.

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