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Friday, July 26, 2024 84° Today's Paper

Five-0 Redux

Heroes on our team

The Five-0 team is joined by Terry O'Quinn in this week's episode. (Courtesy CBS)

As many of you may already know, I have spent the last 14 years of my life in an elite, albeit rarely mentioned, unit of the US Navy.

We are a group that serves without fanfare, medals, or badges of valor. We may not know how to make swinging log traps, or how to spot a trip wire, or even have experience jumping out of airplanes, but we definitely have our own brand of special ops experience. We are the select few who can call ourselves Navy Wives, and while that may not be as exciting or as needed as our US Navy SEALs, we are very fierce in our loyalty and protection of our sailor husbands and our families.

And like Navy SEALs, we never want to be called “hero” for any reason, for that usually happens posthumously. If you have never met a Navy SEAL, or if your only experience with a SEAL is with our own Super SEAL, Lt. Commander Steve McGarrett, let me tell you, from my experience — SEALs are pretty bad ass in whatever they do, even if we only hear about it after a major terrorist cell has been infiltrated and the SEALs have eliminated a major threat to our country.

In actuality, when the SEALs do their job, we never hear about what they have done, until someone dies, of course. Then the medals and fanfare are splashed around, all things SEALs would prefer we keep to themselves. They are a private group. They don’t talk much. Hell, most don’t talk at all. Much like Navy Wives, they suffer their casualties and their pain with their team and in private, only with those who would understand their loss. And if they need help, they only reach out to their own.

Much like how Joe White (Terry O’Quinn) reaches out, to McGarrett and his team, to help him solve the mystery that surrounds the supposed suicide of a fellow SEAL. White would only ask a fellow SEAL to help him — a brother who understands and has gone through the same training and lived the same lifestyle that most people would not deem comprehensible on a normal day. And this is where we start “Kame‘e,” which should be split into two words, “Ka Me’e” for “The Hero.”

Now, we’ve seen many episodes in this past year that deals with brothers — brothers in arms, brothers by blood, and brothers in blue, but this one deals with more than just the themes of pili and ‘ohana. And while friendship and family are common elements in “Hawaii Five-0,” we can also see how these themes were engrained into McG long before he joined up with the Five-0 team.

Friendship is a cornerstone for McG and once a friend asks him for a favor, he brings in the big guns to help him out. I loved how Max (Masi Oka) got to show off his investigator skills in this episode — Inspector Gadget, indeed. And this episode also included a scene with our favorite forensics analyst Charlie Fong (Brian Yang). I was excited to hear McG give him a familiar mention; so hopefully, this will mean that we’ll see more of Charlie in the future.

Could Kono stray too far to the wrong side of the law? Chin Ho confronts her in this week's episode. (Courtesy CBS)

Another friend who seemed to come to McG’s aid was Lori Weston (Lauren German) who seems to be getting along well with the team. She had a nice bonding moment with Danno in his car as they shared some marriage horror stories, and the last scene when she agreed with Chin about McG being on their team, really helped me to see her as a definite friend. She may have been forced onto Five-0, but she no longer seems like the Gov-appointment babysitter.

Now as for the family, little cousin Kono seems to have gone off the deep end. I know I’m not the only one who would rather see her surfing than wearing black and hanging out with bad boys in underground gaming rooms drinking whiskey. And add a Baldwin boy (William Baldwin as Frank Delano) into the mix and we have a recipe for “Good Girls Gone Bad.” Almost too much of a cliché for me. So I’m hoping the rumors of Kono being hired by Fryer to be an I.A. informant comes true — and quickly, I want her back on the team. Don’t get me wrong; I think our new friends are great. I really like Joe and Lori, and love Max’s increased action with the Five-0 Team, even his quirky wardrobe is growing on me, but I think I’m a purist and would like our Fab Four back together.

“Ka Me’e” was an action filled episode, and regardless of a mid-flight skydive save of a SEAL team member, or a secret viewing of a cartel takedown, perhaps reminiscent of what may have taken place overseas in a secret compound in Pakistan, I can see why this episode was called “The Hero.” SEALs like McGarrett, Joe White, and Wade Gutches (David Keith), may not like the title, but we all can agree on the fact that a hero is usually one who refuses to be recognized as such. And that is what makes us worship them, want them by our side, and glad they are on our team.

Redux Side Note:

While I am a Navy Wife and not a Navy SEAL, I have spoken to a SEAL who served nine tours in Afghanistan and a Marine Corps intelligence analyst who did three tours in Iraq. I interviewed both gentlemen for my short story “The Cave Man,” which was published inŌiwi Volume 4: Kūpaʻa Mākou Ma Hope o ka ʻĀina. They, of course, prefer to remain anonymous because they are still currently serving in the Pacific. But I thank them for their candor and willingness to give me a little glimpse of what their lives in combat truly entail.

Thank you, Senior Chief and Staff Sargeant, for your service and for sharing your vast knowledge of special ops and stories of your experiences in hostile situations. Fair winds and following seas, my friends.

A few local shootouts — Joao Caegano, the marijuana grower, was played by Hawai‘i actor Troy Ignacio, whose credits include the film Beyond Paradise and the television shows “Hawai‘i” and “North Shore.” He had a small role, but I was happy to see that they got a real local boy who sounded authentic speaking “bird.”

And if you were wondering what McG said for “Hang Loose” in Hawaiian, he said, “‘Ōkole Maluna” which is a loose translation for “Bottom’s Up.” I can neither confirm nor deny that I know the real meaning to ‘ōkole maluna, but I will say, be careful what or who you call an ‘ōkole. Roger that?
Wendie Burbridge is a published writer, playwright and a teacher of literature and fiction writing at Kamehameha Schools-Kapālama. Reach her on Facebook and on Twitter.

42 responses to “Heroes on our team”

  1. . says:

    Great perspective as usual!  I loved the scene toward the end when the team (sans Kono) is in the Navy situation room.  I agree, Kono needs to do her thing and get back with the team!  

  2. Nice perspective on the SEALs, Wendie. Thanks for sharing. (And no worries, Kono’s only wearing black, she hasn’t gone to the dark side.)

  3. Nice perspective on the SEALs, Wendie. Thanks for sharing. (And no worries, Kono’s only wearing black, she hasn’t gone to the dark side.)

  4. Nice perspective on the SEALs, Wendie. Thanks for sharing. (And no worries, Kono’s only wearing black, she hasn’t gone to the dark side.)

  5. Nice perspective on the SEALs, Wendie. Thanks for sharing. (And no worries, Kono’s only wearing black, she hasn’t gone to the dark side.)

  6. Anonymous says:

    great perspective ! ive got a growing respect for Seals and this episode was so well done! lori if fitting in well and im sure shes gonna be a great permanent addition to the team. wishing joe was permanent but im thinking theyre working on that. kono was terrific- been saying all last season her acting ability is far greater than what shes been able to show and its finally coming out! great undercover and dangerous udercover operation shes involved in and im thinking / hoping our team is there at the end of this story arch to help her nail the bad guys! what a major win for kono. this season has not disappointed at all. as any true fan of the show can see the great cast additions, super guest stars and wonderful written material has cemented five o as one of if not the best action show ive ever seen! non stop fun. and with the additional cast they can spread out the workload as well as give us lots to see and follow. sorry but as much as i love the carguments theyre gonna get stale quickly without a variety of other banter and action on the show. steves relationship with joe is awesome and is special to see unfold. danny and lori were great together! kono really did bad girl very well (im still recovering from that – wow – hot)  love maksai (misspelled) he is funny and brings humour to the show but im missin shave ice- i hope hes not sharing airtime on the comedy front casue he deserves equal time. great write up wendie as always.

    • Valerie L says:

      Like you “five orphans” – I really like Terry O’Quinn’s lead in this show.  He’s just wonderful and Masi is just fantastic as Inspector Gadget – the glasses changing from unofficially opening a case to officially opening one was very amusing.  Love how both Steve and Joe share the same impatience for geek speak when they would much rather hear or want the straight speak from Max who wasted no time in supplying them with the answers they were hoping for – homicide not suicide!!!  Like you too I miss Kamekona and hope they bring him back soon with the shrimp truck…..

    • Valerie L says:

      Like you “five orphans” – I really like Terry O’Quinn’s lead in this show.  He’s just wonderful and Masi is just fantastic as Inspector Gadget – the glasses changing from unofficially opening a case to officially opening one was very amusing.  Love how both Steve and Joe share the same impatience for geek speak when they would much rather hear or want the straight speak from Max who wasted no time in supplying them with the answers they were hoping for – homicide not suicide!!!  Like you too I miss Kamekona and hope they bring him back soon with the shrimp truck…..

  7. Anonymous says:

    great perspective ! ive got a growing respect for Seals and this episode was so well done! lori if fitting in well and im sure shes gonna be a great permanent addition to the team. wishing joe was permanent but im thinking theyre working on that. kono was terrific- been saying all last season her acting ability is far greater than what shes been able to show and its finally coming out! great undercover and dangerous udercover operation shes involved in and im thinking / hoping our team is there at the end of this story arch to help her nail the bad guys! what a major win for kono. this season has not disappointed at all. as any true fan of the show can see the great cast additions, super guest stars and wonderful written material has cemented five o as one of if not the best action show ive ever seen! non stop fun. and with the additional cast they can spread out the workload as well as give us lots to see and follow. sorry but as much as i love the carguments theyre gonna get stale quickly without a variety of other banter and action on the show. steves relationship with joe is awesome and is special to see unfold. danny and lori were great together! kono really did bad girl very well (im still recovering from that – wow – hot)  love maksai (misspelled) he is funny and brings humour to the show but im missin shave ice- i hope hes not sharing airtime on the comedy front casue he deserves equal time. great write up wendie as always.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Oh Wendie…for the first time I am going to have officially disagree with you! 

    Your comment that Navy wives are not “as needed as our US Navy SEALs,” couldn’t be more wrong!  The men (and women) of our armed forces are on the front lines in foreign countries keeping us all safe.  But you are on the front lines at home.  When our military are away from home, you are there, keeping the home fires burning, sending your love and support into the battle grounds.  It keeps our fighting forces grounded.  It keeps them sane.  It keeps home alive and well in their hearts so that their heads can be where they are needed.  Without the support and love from home our fighting forces would not be as strong as they are.  So while it may not be the latest in weaponry or the most sophisticated  fighting machine at their disposal, what you do at home is just as important to our national safety.  Without you they wouldn’t be what they are.  I thank you.  Mahalo Nui Loa

  9. Anonymous says:

    Oh Wendie…for the first time I am going to have officially disagree with you! 

    Your comment that Navy wives are not “as needed as our US Navy SEALs,” couldn’t be more wrong!  The men (and women) of our armed forces are on the front lines in foreign countries keeping us all safe.  But you are on the front lines at home.  When our military are away from home, you are there, keeping the home fires burning, sending your love and support into the battle grounds.  It keeps our fighting forces grounded.  It keeps them sane.  It keeps home alive and well in their hearts so that their heads can be where they are needed.  Without the support and love from home our fighting forces would not be as strong as they are.  So while it may not be the latest in weaponry or the most sophisticated  fighting machine at their disposal, what you do at home is just as important to our national safety.  Without you they wouldn’t be what they are.  I thank you.  Mahalo Nui Loa

  10. Anonymous says:

    Oh Wendie…for the first time I am going to have officially disagree with you! 

    Your comment that Navy wives are not “as needed as our US Navy SEALs,” couldn’t be more wrong!  The men (and women) of our armed forces are on the front lines in foreign countries keeping us all safe.  But you are on the front lines at home.  When our military are away from home, you are there, keeping the home fires burning, sending your love and support into the battle grounds.  It keeps our fighting forces grounded.  It keeps them sane.  It keeps home alive and well in their hearts so that their heads can be where they are needed.  Without the support and love from home our fighting forces would not be as strong as they are.  So while it may not be the latest in weaponry or the most sophisticated  fighting machine at their disposal, what you do at home is just as important to our national safety.  Without you they wouldn’t be what they are.  I thank you.  Mahalo Nui Loa

  11. Anonymous says:

    Oh Wendie…for the first time I am going to have officially disagree with you! 

    Your comment that Navy wives are not “as needed as our US Navy SEALs,” couldn’t be more wrong!  The men (and women) of our armed forces are on the front lines in foreign countries keeping us all safe.  But you are on the front lines at home.  When our military are away from home, you are there, keeping the home fires burning, sending your love and support into the battle grounds.  It keeps our fighting forces grounded.  It keeps them sane.  It keeps home alive and well in their hearts so that their heads can be where they are needed.  Without the support and love from home our fighting forces would not be as strong as they are.  So while it may not be the latest in weaponry or the most sophisticated  fighting machine at their disposal, what you do at home is just as important to our national safety.  Without you they wouldn’t be what they are.  I thank you.  Mahalo Nui Loa

  12. shiri says:

    as an army wife you really pushed a soft point and the episode itself was touching me in another aspect than others who watch it, think they know about it but don’t really understand. it was very very important episode for me.

  13. shiri says:

    as an army wife you really pushed a soft point and the episode itself was touching me in another aspect than others who watch it, think they know about it but don’t really understand. it was very very important episode for me.

  14. shiri says:

    as an army wife you really pushed a soft point and the episode itself was touching me in another aspect than others who watch it, think they know about it but don’t really understand. it was very very important episode for me.

  15. Valerie L says:

    Thanks Wendie for sharing your perspective of the navy seals.  I unfortunately can’t speak from the same experience you do and I can honestly say that your role as a navy seal wife is every bit as important as what men who serve their country with honor.  Linda I totally agree with you that we can’t overlook the importance and value of these wonderful men and women who fight in the name of honor and freedom and I’m really glad that this episode was about navy seals.

    Its really a backstory that was never shared with us as much in season one and I hope the writers will continue to add more to the story to remind us all that Steve is not just any navy seal intelligence, he is a man that we are only now discovering has a past that none of us could ever imagine living in it.  Steve has hinted before that he has worked the other side but he also has shown that when it comes to getting things done he goes about it in a very highly skilled dedicated way but he will never that side publicly so there will be some aspects of Steve that will remain a mystery but he’s special ops training hope we see more of those in action.  

    As for Kono’s backstory – Wendie I miss her too and I definitely don’t like the dark turn she is taking though I can’t honestly say I blame her entirely for being truly pissed off with the raw deal that is handed down to her and I have to wonder if she’ll ever feel betrayed by Steve for not fighting harder for her or will she bear the responsibility on her own and deal with her own demons.  I get a feeling that Chin knows a lot more than we do about his cousin’s traits and misdeeds – but needless to say to see her stumble into the den of thieves and cuthroats – the likes of Delano who was played brilliantly I might add by Billy Baldwin – you get the feel that she is very capable of working undercover without fear and in many ways she’s every bit as tough as McGarrett and we will see hopefully a side to Kono that will make her stronger but we also see the fear and sadness on her face as she logs into the HPD computer using Chin’s id and password. 

  16. Valerie L says:

    Thanks Wendie for sharing your perspective of the navy seals.  I unfortunately can’t speak from the same experience you do and I can honestly say that your role as a navy seal wife is every bit as important as what men who serve their country with honor.  Linda I totally agree with you that we can’t overlook the importance and value of these wonderful men and women who fight in the name of honor and freedom and I’m really glad that this episode was about navy seals.

    Its really a backstory that was never shared with us as much in season one and I hope the writers will continue to add more to the story to remind us all that Steve is not just any navy seal intelligence, he is a man that we are only now discovering has a past that none of us could ever imagine living in it.  Steve has hinted before that he has worked the other side but he also has shown that when it comes to getting things done he goes about it in a very highly skilled dedicated way but he will never that side publicly so there will be some aspects of Steve that will remain a mystery but he’s special ops training hope we see more of those in action.  

    As for Kono’s backstory – Wendie I miss her too and I definitely don’t like the dark turn she is taking though I can’t honestly say I blame her entirely for being truly pissed off with the raw deal that is handed down to her and I have to wonder if she’ll ever feel betrayed by Steve for not fighting harder for her or will she bear the responsibility on her own and deal with her own demons.  I get a feeling that Chin knows a lot more than we do about his cousin’s traits and misdeeds – but needless to say to see her stumble into the den of thieves and cuthroats – the likes of Delano who was played brilliantly I might add by Billy Baldwin – you get the feel that she is very capable of working undercover without fear and in many ways she’s every bit as tough as McGarrett and we will see hopefully a side to Kono that will make her stronger but we also see the fear and sadness on her face as she logs into the HPD computer using Chin’s id and password. 

  17. Valerie L says:

    Thanks Wendie for sharing your perspective of the navy seals.  I unfortunately can’t speak from the same experience you do and I can honestly say that your role as a navy seal wife is every bit as important as what men who serve their country with honor.  Linda I totally agree with you that we can’t overlook the importance and value of these wonderful men and women who fight in the name of honor and freedom and I’m really glad that this episode was about navy seals.

    Its really a backstory that was never shared with us as much in season one and I hope the writers will continue to add more to the story to remind us all that Steve is not just any navy seal intelligence, he is a man that we are only now discovering has a past that none of us could ever imagine living in it.  Steve has hinted before that he has worked the other side but he also has shown that when it comes to getting things done he goes about it in a very highly skilled dedicated way but he will never that side publicly so there will be some aspects of Steve that will remain a mystery but he’s special ops training hope we see more of those in action.  

    As for Kono’s backstory – Wendie I miss her too and I definitely don’t like the dark turn she is taking though I can’t honestly say I blame her entirely for being truly pissed off with the raw deal that is handed down to her and I have to wonder if she’ll ever feel betrayed by Steve for not fighting harder for her or will she bear the responsibility on her own and deal with her own demons.  I get a feeling that Chin knows a lot more than we do about his cousin’s traits and misdeeds – but needless to say to see her stumble into the den of thieves and cuthroats – the likes of Delano who was played brilliantly I might add by Billy Baldwin – you get the feel that she is very capable of working undercover without fear and in many ways she’s every bit as tough as McGarrett and we will see hopefully a side to Kono that will make her stronger but we also see the fear and sadness on her face as she logs into the HPD computer using Chin’s id and password. 

  18. Valerie L says:

    Thanks Wendie for sharing your perspective of the navy seals.  I unfortunately can’t speak from the same experience you do and I can honestly say that your role as a navy seal wife is every bit as important as what men who serve their country with honor.  Linda I totally agree with you that we can’t overlook the importance and value of these wonderful men and women who fight in the name of honor and freedom and I’m really glad that this episode was about navy seals.

    Its really a backstory that was never shared with us as much in season one and I hope the writers will continue to add more to the story to remind us all that Steve is not just any navy seal intelligence, he is a man that we are only now discovering has a past that none of us could ever imagine living in it.  Steve has hinted before that he has worked the other side but he also has shown that when it comes to getting things done he goes about it in a very highly skilled dedicated way but he will never that side publicly so there will be some aspects of Steve that will remain a mystery but he’s special ops training hope we see more of those in action.  

    As for Kono’s backstory – Wendie I miss her too and I definitely don’t like the dark turn she is taking though I can’t honestly say I blame her entirely for being truly pissed off with the raw deal that is handed down to her and I have to wonder if she’ll ever feel betrayed by Steve for not fighting harder for her or will she bear the responsibility on her own and deal with her own demons.  I get a feeling that Chin knows a lot more than we do about his cousin’s traits and misdeeds – but needless to say to see her stumble into the den of thieves and cuthroats – the likes of Delano who was played brilliantly I might add by Billy Baldwin – you get the feel that she is very capable of working undercover without fear and in many ways she’s every bit as tough as McGarrett and we will see hopefully a side to Kono that will make her stronger but we also see the fear and sadness on her face as she logs into the HPD computer using Chin’s id and password. 

  19. Anonymous says:

    When that scene was filmed with Steve looking at the monitors and Joe standing aside like a proud papa as Steve’s team members looked at him with total respect and in awe. They weren’t just looking at a man they admire – they were looking at a hero – one of the many who risk their lives in order for us to live in such a wonderful country. This isn’t about who gets the most air time, who should be the love interest, who should do what to whom and when.
    This was dedicated to the men and women who devote their lives to serving us in the US Military. Thank you Wendie.
    (Proud mom in law to an elite Army Ranger with 6 tours of duty in Afghanistan)

  20. Anonymous says:

    When that scene was filmed with Steve looking at the monitors and Joe standing aside like a proud papa as Steve’s team members looked at him with total respect and in awe. They weren’t just looking at a man they admire – they were looking at a hero – one of the many who risk their lives in order for us to live in such a wonderful country. This isn’t about who gets the most air time, who should be the love interest, who should do what to whom and when.
    This was dedicated to the men and women who devote their lives to serving us in the US Military. Thank you Wendie.
    (Proud mom in law to an elite Army Ranger with 6 tours of duty in Afghanistan)

  21. Anonymous says:

    Great write up Wendie and thank you for pointing out the value Navy wife brings to the equation. I agree with some of the others posts wanting to see Kono back on the team and get the Shave Ice man back on set.
    Retired Navy

  22. Anonymous says:

    Great write up Wendie and thank you for pointing out the value Navy wife brings to the equation. I agree with some of the others posts wanting to see Kono back on the team and get the Shave Ice man back on set.
    Retired Navy

  23. Anonymous says:

    Great write up Wendie and thank you for pointing out the value Navy wife brings to the equation. I agree with some of the others posts wanting to see Kono back on the team and get the Shave Ice man back on set.
    Retired Navy

  24. Kristin Oole says:

    Awesome article Wendie! I too am hoping that Kono is working on something to get her badge back. I don’t think she would willingly join up with these ex-cops. I hope we find out soon. Can’t wait till next week!!!


  25. Kristin Oole says:

    Awesome article Wendie! I too am hoping that Kono is working on something to get her badge back. I don’t think she would willingly join up with these ex-cops. I hope we find out soon. Can’t wait till next week!!!


  26. Kristin Oole says:

    Awesome article Wendie! I too am hoping that Kono is working on something to get her badge back. I don’t think she would willingly join up with these ex-cops. I hope we find out soon. Can’t wait till next week!!!


  27. Kristin Oole says:

    Awesome article Wendie! I too am hoping that Kono is working on something to get her badge back. I don’t think she would willingly join up with these ex-cops. I hope we find out soon. Can’t wait till next week!!!


  28. Great blog, Wendie! I’ve been out of action for a few weeks so have a lot of catching up to do, but the season has not disappointed me at all, and I was definitely moved by this week’s episode.  Thank you for bringing a new perspective to the armed forces way of life – I do not have any personal experience to draw from, so I appreciate the insight you bring to this SEAL heavy episode! I am pleased that we are finally getting to see McGarrett’s history come to light – there is so much that makes up the complex personality of Steve McGarrett!

    Was concerned about Kono at first, but now I feel confident that Kono is working deep undercover for Fryer to get Delano. Hope she gets the job done soon so she can get back where she belongs on 5-0! Great blog, Wendie – and thank you for your service as a full fledged Navy Wife! 

  29. Great blog, Wendie! I’ve been out of action for a few weeks so have a lot of catching up to do, but the season has not disappointed me at all, and I was definitely moved by this week’s episode.  Thank you for bringing a new perspective to the armed forces way of life – I do not have any personal experience to draw from, so I appreciate the insight you bring to this SEAL heavy episode! I am pleased that we are finally getting to see McGarrett’s history come to light – there is so much that makes up the complex personality of Steve McGarrett!

    Was concerned about Kono at first, but now I feel confident that Kono is working deep undercover for Fryer to get Delano. Hope she gets the job done soon so she can get back where she belongs on 5-0! Great blog, Wendie – and thank you for your service as a full fledged Navy Wife! 

  30. Great blog, Wendie! I’ve been out of action for a few weeks so have a lot of catching up to do, but the season has not disappointed me at all, and I was definitely moved by this week’s episode.  Thank you for bringing a new perspective to the armed forces way of life – I do not have any personal experience to draw from, so I appreciate the insight you bring to this SEAL heavy episode! I am pleased that we are finally getting to see McGarrett’s history come to light – there is so much that makes up the complex personality of Steve McGarrett!

    Was concerned about Kono at first, but now I feel confident that Kono is working deep undercover for Fryer to get Delano. Hope she gets the job done soon so she can get back where she belongs on 5-0! Great blog, Wendie – and thank you for your service as a full fledged Navy Wife! 

  31. Great blog, Wendie! I’ve been out of action for a few weeks so have a lot of catching up to do, but the season has not disappointed me at all, and I was definitely moved by this week’s episode.  Thank you for bringing a new perspective to the armed forces way of life – I do not have any personal experience to draw from, so I appreciate the insight you bring to this SEAL heavy episode! I am pleased that we are finally getting to see McGarrett’s history come to light – there is so much that makes up the complex personality of Steve McGarrett!

    Was concerned about Kono at first, but now I feel confident that Kono is working deep undercover for Fryer to get Delano. Hope she gets the job done soon so she can get back where she belongs on 5-0! Great blog, Wendie – and thank you for your service as a full fledged Navy Wife! 

  32. Anonymous says:

    “but I think I’m a purist and would like our Fab Four back together.”
    I’m glad someone else feels the same.  In my opinion too many outside people are being added.  Didn’t particularly like the last two episodes (the story lines, not the real life people and groups that were represented).  All of last year were great.  I was addicted and glued to the set.  This year’s first two episodes has sort of started off flat footed and I’m a bit disappointed.  I’d rather see the “Fab Four” do their thing than all this other add on actors.  Of course, Max needs to be in there. Need the CSI type.  Help!!!!  I’m losing interest.

    • Valerie L says:

      Hey don’t worry the Fab four will be back together.  Please be more patient and give it a chance – follow the storyline and when you do it gets really fun and interesting.  It may not be the same as season one but to be exactly the same will get boring and old in my view.  Different is good!!

    • Valerie L says:

      Hey don’t worry the Fab four will be back together.  Please be more patient and give it a chance – follow the storyline and when you do it gets really fun and interesting.  It may not be the same as season one but to be exactly the same will get boring and old in my view.  Different is good!!

    • Valerie L says:

      Hey don’t worry the Fab four will be back together.  Please be more patient and give it a chance – follow the storyline and when you do it gets really fun and interesting.  It may not be the same as season one but to be exactly the same will get boring and old in my view.  Different is good!!

    • Valerie L says:

      Hey don’t worry the Fab four will be back together.  Please be more patient and give it a chance – follow the storyline and when you do it gets really fun and interesting.  It may not be the same as season one but to be exactly the same will get boring and old in my view.  Different is good!!

  33. Wendie,

      What a great writeup for this week’s episode…  you ARE a hero, you’re a Navy Chief’s wife, you’re in an elite family.  there aren’t too many people in this world who can handle the constant OpTempo of military life, but you do it with style and grace…  Like most here, I want our fab four back together too (mostly because I miss seeing Kono) but I also think this is an interesting plot twist with her “going rogue” I think this will make her a better and more valuable part of the team in the future… Thanks for the write up, and remember, Military Families are heroes too!


  34. Wendie,

      What a great writeup for this week’s episode…  you ARE a hero, you’re a Navy Chief’s wife, you’re in an elite family.  there aren’t too many people in this world who can handle the constant OpTempo of military life, but you do it with style and grace…  Like most here, I want our fab four back together too (mostly because I miss seeing Kono) but I also think this is an interesting plot twist with her “going rogue” I think this will make her a better and more valuable part of the team in the future… Thanks for the write up, and remember, Military Families are heroes too!


  35. Wendie,

      What a great writeup for this week’s episode…  you ARE a hero, you’re a Navy Chief’s wife, you’re in an elite family.  there aren’t too many people in this world who can handle the constant OpTempo of military life, but you do it with style and grace…  Like most here, I want our fab four back together too (mostly because I miss seeing Kono) but I also think this is an interesting plot twist with her “going rogue” I think this will make her a better and more valuable part of the team in the future… Thanks for the write up, and remember, Military Families are heroes too!


  36. Wendie,

      What a great writeup for this week’s episode…  you ARE a hero, you’re a Navy Chief’s wife, you’re in an elite family.  there aren’t too many people in this world who can handle the constant OpTempo of military life, but you do it with style and grace…  Like most here, I want our fab four back together too (mostly because I miss seeing Kono) but I also think this is an interesting plot twist with her “going rogue” I think this will make her a better and more valuable part of the team in the future… Thanks for the write up, and remember, Military Families are heroes too!


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