Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Wednesday, December 11, 2024 76° Today's Paper

Letters to the Editor

Weed and Seed good for Farrington High

Mahalo to our state representatives in the Labor and Public Employment, Judiciary, and Finance committees — led by Reps. Karl Rhoads, Gilbert Keith-Agaran and Marcus Oshiro respectively — for voting to fulfill a funding request (House Bill 1513) for the Weed and Seed strategy across three communities on Oahu: Waipahu, Ewa/Ewa Beach and Kalihi-Chinatown-Ala Moana.

For years, Farrington High School has worked collaboratively with Weed and Seed to improve our school and our community, and we would like that partnership to continue. Specifically, Weed and Seed has assisted our school’s effort to reduce truancy and improve student attendance. The strategy plays a vital role in Farrington’s efforts to achieve our school goals, as well as to exceed state and national standards.

We need the support of the Senate committees that will soon hear this measure to ensure Weed and Seed continues to bring together community leaders and partners to build strong networks, prevent crime and ultimately grow strong, healthy communities.

Alfredo Carganilla
Principal, Farrington High School


How to write us

The Star-Advertiser welcomes letters that are crisp and to the point (~175 words). The Star-Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length. Please direct comments to the issues; personal attacks will not be published. Letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number.

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Mail: Letters to the Editor, Honolulu Star-Advertiser, 7 Waterfront Plaza, 500 Ala Moana, Suite 210, Honolulu, HI 96813


U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka deserves our gratitude

It is no coincidence that on the day that your front page announced U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka’s decision to retire at the end of this term, heavy rain clouds would shroud our islands.

The heavens weep today, and we, as well, who know and respect this noble, intelligent, hard-working, humble and loving man as one who gave his all for the benefit of the people of Hawaii, America and the world.

Ever the gracious statesman, Sen. Akaka has paved the way for Hawaii to emerge as a force within our nation and a beating heart for the world as a whole. In his steadfast, faithful, dedicated manner, he leaves a legacy like none other in our history. And, for this, we owe our deepest gratitude.

Kehaulani Lum


Abercrombie using same old playbook

OK, Hawaii, do you get the feeling of deja vu yet with Gov. Neil Abercrombie?

President Barack Obama said we had to spend more to get out of debt (so does the governor). When we owe money on our credit cards, do we think the way to get out of debt is to go charge more on the cards? Only politicians can think this way.

President Obama said the bad state of affairs is due to the prior Republican administration, even though the Democrats controlled Congress for President Bush’s terms (the governor is saying the same thing, with the same circumstances).

While the rest of the U.S. voted for change toward more fiscal responsibility in the November elections, Hawaii went the other way and even voted out its one short-term Republican, U.S. Rep. Charles Djou.

So, how do you think we’re doing — better or worse? And whom do you have to blame?

Gary Stark


Kudos to Kaneshiro for helping the ‘voiceless’

The Humane Society of the United States expresses its gratitude to Honolulu Prosecuting Attorney Keith Kaneshiro for his commitment to ending animal cruelty and abuse ("Crackdown vowed on animal cruelty," Star-Advertiser, March 2). Less than six months into this current term, he has already demonstrated leadership and compassion by assisting with the investigation of Oahu’s largest alleged puppy mill, and by supporting the strengthening of our weak animal fighting and cruelty laws.

He recognizes that animal issues are people issues — that those who abuse or exploit animals are also likely to engage in other abusive and criminal activities, and that such activities serve only to undermine our communities as a whole. Furthermore, Mr. Kaneshiro’s pledge to "advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves" sends a critical message to the community that animal cruelty is a serious crime that will not be tolerated.

Honolulu has a renewed hope in the pursuit of justice as even the best of laws are meaningless if not supported or enforced. We urge other officials to follow suit, to have the strength and moral courage to truly be a voice for the voiceless.

Inga Gibson
Hawaii director, Humane Society of the United States


Volunteerism not as easy as it might sound

I loved the ideas Lou Keopuhiwa put forth in the letter regarding ways to help our neighbors in Mayor Wright Housing ("Charity, self-help ought to be tried," Star-Advertiser, March 2). They’re great ideas, and they would probably work.

Sad to say, however, the answer to all the questions is "No."

We can’t do those things because we have legislation and unions that prevent self-help and neighbors helping neighbors.

What have we done to ourselves?

Ann Allred


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