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Sunday, January 5, 2025 80° Today's Paper

FeaturesWood Craft

KHON’s Moore calls out Stroud over his habit

ACTOR DON STROUD portrayed a nun at the annual St. Francis School Halloween party and costume contest last Friday. He was greeted by his friend, head of school Sister Joan of Arc Souza, who shook with laughter and adjusted his veil. Sister Joan was dressed as a devil. Footage of the spoof was on TV stations. KHON anchor Joe Moore called Don after the 6 o’clock news and left a message saying he was "Father Moore" and he wanted to meet with Don to discuss his attire. … 

SECRETARY of State Hillary Clinton and Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara exchanged gifts at the Kahala Hotel Oct. 27. The minister gave Clinton crystal wine glasses and Clinton gave Maehara a miniature train locomotive (he collects model trains). Kahala General Manager Thomas Pauly gave Clinton a hand-carved koa box on behalf of the hotel. Clinton delivered a policy speech the next day in the Maile Ballroom. …

SOME of the town’s leading entertainers and about 20 friends pitched in to toss me a rousing 79th birthday party at Stage on Oct. 26. Singers Anita Hall, Jimmy Borges, Kristian Lei, Gavin Vinta and Mihana Souza were backed by pianists Jim Howard and Dan Del Negro. A highlight was when all the singers combined and got the crowd to join them on "Bridge Over Troubled Waters." Jimmy, using a stretch of barrier rope for a mic, was a kick, as was Anita’s flashy jive dance. Thanks go to organizers Mihana, Drea Kia and Skinny Lynnie Crawley and to Stage’s Charly Yoshida and Scott Armstrong for putting up with us. Delta flight attendant Nancy Young traveled a long way from New York to attend. She flew to Tokyo first for the World Wings annual event for ex-Pan Am flight attendants, then came here for the party before flying to Seattle to visit her family and then returning to NYC. A day after getting home she worked on a flight to Venice, Italy. Nancy’s tough. Californians Dave and Betty Feldman attended. Also wishing me well were Honolulu Design Center and Stage owner Thomas Sorensen, Michele Henry, and the center’s Imelda Mateo and David Meredith.

GORDON MAU was host for Panda Travel owner Lydia Tsui at Stage the same night. Otani Produce owner Dwight Otani and wife, Terese, Dr. Thomas and Mi Kosasa and UH Athletic Director Jim Donovan and wife Tracy were with them. Donovan stopped at our table to talk with Joe Leineweber. He gave me kind words and I returned them for his UH athletic program, especially the football team. BEAT BOISE! …

"OFF THE MAP" actor Nicholas Gonzalez stopped by the hula class of Abilities Unlimited (Winners at Work), a nonprofit org helping people with disabilities, to show his support on Oct. 25. Hula instructor is Adrian Kamali’i. … Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto took a break from his restaurant at the new Waikiki Edition hotel to dine at Sarento’s Top of the Ilikai, his neighboring eatery. …

MEN WEARING PINK? Yes, to raise funds to combat breast cancer during October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Federal Fire Department Chief Glenn DeLaura authorized his firefighters to wear pink uniform T-shirts during the month. DH Construction distributed pink shirts to about 90 employees on Oahu and Maui. The company’s vice president, Kari Duvall, has been battling breast cancer. …

Ben Wood, who sold the Star-Bulletin on Honolulu streets in World War II, writes of people, places and things Fridays. E-mail him at bwood@staradvertiser.com.


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