Honolulu Star-Advertiser

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Letters to the Editor

Lingle should sign off on rail

Despite the national recession and California’s budget crisis, Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has thrown his full support behind plans for a statewide, high-speed rail line.

Schwarzenegger says the Golden State’s economic troubles are no excuse to abandon this innovative transportation solution, which he says will benefit the state for generations.

In contrast, our Republican governor, Linda Lingle, is delaying construction of Honolulu’s rail system and jeopardizing federal funds because of her financial analysis of the transit pro-ject. Yet Hawaii’s economy has fared much better in the recession than California’s, and state economists say our financial recovery is under way. By supporting rail and accepting the rail EIS now, Gov. Lingle can show the far-reaching vision for Hawaii’s future that Schwarzenegger has for California.


Keane Omaye-Backman

How to write us

The Star-Advertiser welcomes letters that are crisp and to the point (~175 words). The Star-Advertiser reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length. Please direct comments to the issues; personal attacks will not be published. Letters must be signed and include a daytime telephone number.

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E-mail: letters@staradvertiser.com
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Mail: Letters to the Editor, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 7 Waterfront Plaza, 500 Ala Moana, Suite 210, Honolulu, HI 96813

Book burning is bad precursor

In regards to Leonard Pitts’ column ("Stoking fires of hatred," Star-Adveriser, Sept. 9), the German poet Heinrich Heine said it best, both presciently and tragically:

"Wherever books will be burned, men also, in the end, are burned."

Paul C. Franke


Proper English is situational

In answer to the letter by Jeffrey Herman ( "Language usage cuts both ways," Star-Advertiser, Letters, Sept. 16). What is correct English?

Is it English as spoken in England? Which English — Cockney, London or Liverpool? Or perhaps English as is spoken in Ireland or Scotland. Or is it the English that is spoken in Boston where the "o’s" are pronounced as "a’s." Or is it English that is spoken in the Southern United States or maybe Midwestern United States or which of the thousands of dialects spoken in our country? Or perhaps Pakistani English or New Zealand English where most "e’s" are pronounced as long "e’s?"

Every place adapts language to its locale. Just because Mr. Herman doesn’t approve does not make it incorrect English.

Otto Cleveland
Pearl City


Local Muslim did right thing

I just read the article about the decision of the president of the Hawaii Muslim Association to delay their festival that was to be on 9/11 ( "Islamic festival delayed," Star-Advertiser, Sept. 11).

He goes on to say, "We wanted to be sensitive to the feelings over that horrible, evil act (of 9/11)."

Mr. Hakim Ouansafi is to be commended for this statement and decision. We need to see more of this kind of thing from other Muslim leaders. We need to hear from all the good peace-loving Muslims that are out there.

Erich Wida


Whole Foods good for Kailua

As a lifelong Waimanalo resident, I am writing in support of the new Whole Foods Market Kailua store.

The new store will make positive contributions to the Windward community, including creating more jobs and increasing support for Hawaii’s local food system and farmers.

Also, being an avid supporter of sustainability and organic agriculture, I appreciate the additional opportunity to shop for locally grown and made products closer to home.

Ted Radovich


Recycling can be improved

Every time I take my trash to the Dumpster I am appalled at all the recyclable material I am throwing away that is going to the dump.

Anne Arundel County in Maryland also had the same problem with limited space for its landfill. It implemented a program called 50/50. It issues to each home two (or more) same-size receptacles for curbside pick-up — one for recyclables and the other for trash. Then it tells you, as a guideline, that the amount of trash should not exceed the recyclables. How does it do it? By redefining what’s recyclable as follows:

» Glass: All glass including jars, windows, etc.

» Aluminum: Not only cans, but toys, aluminum windows, lawn chairs, etc.

» Plastic: That means all plastic to include toys, and big bottles (like bleach and all the myriad of things you find in the laundry room, kitchen and garage). Of course some dangerous things are excluded, which are defined.

» Paper: Again all paper, including magazines, books, cardboard and paper cartons.

All the above are not separated at home but are placed in the recyclable curbside container for pickup. They are separated at a central plant by the recycling contractors.

Howard Miller
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