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I am a lifelong advocate of free speech, but David Shapiro’s March 2 column ridicules state Sen. Donna Mercado Kim with over-the-top sarcasm going beyond the pale of journalistic professionalism or simply doing what’s right to advance the cause of free press (“Repent, journalists, repent or face senatorial payback,” Star-Advertiser, Volcanic Opens in a new tabAsh) Opens in a new tab. Mr. Shapiro’s fight seems personal.
He fails to balance mockery with an acknowledgment of Kim’s commitment and loyalty to her constituents and the greater community. His sniping is derisive and bitterly critical of what? Kim’s style? But the voters who have repeatedly returned her to public office have spoken.
Bottom line: Sen. Kim is effective because she gets results for her constituents and the greater community. Mr. Shapiro, your right to free press is not in any danger from Kim. Defending free speech does not merit offensive or demeaning speech. We’re better than that.
Joanne Maida
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