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Hawaii’s politicians must have a serious conversation about the ongoing brain drain and outward migration from the islands. The latest ALICE Report found that 1 in 3 families are considering relocating. Every year, thousands of locals, especially educated youth and their families, trade paradise for better work opportunities, affordable housing and a lower cost of living on the mainland.
Meanwhile, retirees and wealthier transplants continue to move in. The 2020 Decennial Census Population Pyramid for Hawaii shows we’re one generation away from turning into a silver economy. With fewer middle-class taxpayers, Hawaii risks economic stagnation and the collapse of critical services. The Legislature has proposed housing relief, but this alone won’t stop the exodus. We need bold policies — reverse migration incentives, economic diversification and stronger ties with the Hawaii diaspora. If we fail to act, Hawaii will become a place where only the wealthy can afford to live.
Kevin Tangonan
Ewa Beach
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