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Such hypocrisy in Dave Reardon’s column on firing University of Hawaii basketball coach Eran Ganot (“With the team struggling, Hawaii may be better off letting head coach Eran Ganot go,” Star-Advertiser, March 10). I heard crickets from him when the local boy football coach Timmy Chang had three losing seasons. His pay was more than $2 million over those three losing seasons.
UH continues to make so many poor decisions. June Jones was the answer for football, but UH fumbled that ball. UH needs to either terminate both coaches and hire local coaches at far less pay, or leave Ganot alone.
That’s why it is so important for Senate oversight at UH. Kudos to Sens. Michelle Kidani, Donovan Dela Cruz and Donna Mercado Kim for doing their job by holding former UH President David Lassner to account and pushing for transparency at UH. Hopefully the newly appointed President Wendy Hensel can turn this sinking boat around.
David Yomes
Salt Lake
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