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Five-0 Redux

Mighty McGarrett saves the day

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Photos courtesy of CBS

These are the things I accept about “Hawaii Five-0”:

• McGarrett will go anywhere, swim in anything, and risk himself in any situation for innocent people. And his team. He’s not only a decorated Navy SEAL, he also has nothing to lose, and so he goes for it.

• Danno will always have a snappy comeback or a snarky response to anything Steve says. He also does not seem to like anything that will separate him from his ties and shoes — like swimming. Not even Aquaman.

• Kono will consistently be given the team’s crap detail, not because she is the woman, but because she is the rookie. But she can handle it. She’s scrappy like that. And she draws a mean surf pic with Crayons.

• Chin will never lose his cool in any situation. He is so cool, sometimes I wonder if he’s Steve’s Chinese twin brother. Did Aquaman have a sidekick?

For those of you who watched last night’s “Hawaii Five-0” the second time around, as “Ho’apono,” Hawaiian for “accept,” originally aired in November, there’s a lot to like in this episode. The Ford Island and USS Missouri shots, Robert Loggia as a crusty old sailor, our own Kelly Hu in a way too small part, as well as Alex O’Loughlin’s acting as he negotiated with an accused murder who also happened to be a fellow brother SEAL.

The “big” star of the evening though was the grand lady herself, the USS Missouri. As the wife of a career Navy sailor who served aboard the USS New Jersey (sister ship to the Missouri), I’ve been on board many times. It was exciting to see her so prominent in this episode. The Mighty Mo was just beautiful as she showed off her great shape and her big guns. She definitely fit in with the rest of the Five-0 team. Robert Loggia as retired BM1, or Boatswains Mate First Class, Ed McKay, was perfect in his role as a Missouri docent. After serving his time in the Navy, retired BM1 McKay wanted to honor his lost WWII shipmates by giving tours aboard the memorial. The connection to McGarrett’s grandfather may have seemed a little too convenient to some viewers. However, I have experienced many of the same “it’s a small world” meetings on ships and in other Naval museums. His entire character and story rang true for me. I know Loggia plays the curmudgeon extremely well, so perhaps he was a “no brainer” choice for the casting director.

24 responses to “Mighty McGarrett saves the day”

  1. Booooooooring says:

    We’re recapping reruns, now? Slooooow news day?

  2. tawnliz says:

    thanks, Wendie for an insightful article. I’ve been aboard the Missouri and Our tour group got to have lunch on board. It was so exciting. We also got to see the hull where a kamakazee pilot hit, denting it. It was just awesome. Now to McG. You’re so right. He took his oath seriously to protect and defend the Constitution. I love that he’s fearless. I wish I had that sometimes, but I won’t be Aquawoman any time soon. LOL!!! I love Robert Loggia! He’s one of the best. My fave part is when Steve is on the Missouri and he’s arguing on his cell with Danny. Loggia’s character asks him, “You fighting with your wife.” Steve answers: “No, my partner.” Thanks for the character analysis on my other faves of the 5-0!

  3. Patthew says:

    good blog. i look forward to more

  4. Patthew says:

    your blog is an excellent addition to the online HI50 galaxy. I look forward to more!

  5. like i said, I just love your blogs 😉

  6. Blackthumb says:

    Thank you for your write up, especially that those of us here on Maui with over the air DTV can no longer watch 5-0 nor any other shows on KGMB station. For some reason, that channel is blank on the tv screen.

  7. Sugartermite says:

    Witty humor. I like your style.

  8. Anonymous says:

    To add to the Taylor Wily sentiment, he also has much aloha in him. He could have acted all high makamaka on set with us extras but he didn’t. Those of us that were playing his family felt more at ease in front of the camera simply because he was there. The best example I can give, HE wanted pictures with his 5-0 “family” after the shoot was over, so we took a few “family” photos.

  9. Terry says:

    “an amazingly accurate picture of herself as a stick figure” HaHa! : ) Also enjoyed the background on Taylor Wily, Thumbs up!

  10. Another FANTASTIC write-up Wendie….can’t wait for the next one =D

  11. Another FANTASTIC write-up Wendie….can’t wait for the next one =D

  12. Lisaw98 says:

    I too wanted more Lady Deathstrike action from Kelly! Oh well. And Taylor as Kamekona is so likable. Gotta love him! Great blog once again, Wendie!

  13. Mr V says:

    You know Aquaman is a very underrated superhero. Just saying. Kelly Hu needs to be brought back on a recurring basis. At first I seriously thought Loggia’s character was going to a ghost or something. I am still not convinced he wasn’t. Even for a repeat this blog is still wicked awesome.

  14. Pii says:

    I finally got to watch Mondays segment and enjoyed it very much. We are of the age when the older version of Hawaii Five O was shown. This newer version is more up to the minute with the new generation. My only complaint is the background music. It tends to drown out the voices of the actors and I tend to raise the volume just to hear them and get the gist of the story. Any way they can lower the background music?

  15. Osciesamilliano says:

    add more local stars into the cast,

  16. Anonymous says:

    whether it’s a re-run or not (Mr. Booooooooring), this was still a great blog about one of my fave H50 episodes…don’t get me wrong, i pretty much love ALL of the episodes, but this one is definitely at the top of my list. i also love the fact that you actually have experience with the Mighty Mo since you’re a Navy wife…awesome blog again WJ!! 🙂

  17. […] If you were wondering where my review of last night’s episode of “Ho’apono” was today, check out my blog “Mighty McGarrett Saves the Day here: […]

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