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Remember Tulsi Gabbard’s trip to Syria to meet with Bashar al-Assad, who ordered the killing of a half-million people including Syrians and prisoners under his regime? The Syrian American Council condemned the trip. Being director of national intelligence is a huge responsibility to which Gabbard has no experience. And some unnamed Republicans have doubts about her being director. She failed to respond to answer questions from those Republicans on her visit with Assad.
Did Donald Trump nominate Gabbard because of her help in the debate with Kamala Harris? I assume he did. In other words, you help me and I’ll find a position in my administration for you. Being an officer in the Army Reserve does not qualify her for being director.
Trump’s administration will be people he knows will follow in his footsteps. And anybody who knows Trump is fearful not to overstep his authority.
John Keala
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