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Alcohol became illegal in America in the 1920s because it ostensibly caused societal problems. Prohibition caused more problems than it solved because the people spoke. Criminals emerged to fill the demand. Why transport beer when you can transport hard liquor?
Now take fireworks. It’s exactly the same. For many years I haven’t been able to get fountains or firecrackers, only aerial bombs. Without options, bomb numbers increase every year.
Vehicle crashes kill tens of thousands annually, and many times that are maimed. Yet society has decided to keep cars and mitigate the potential for damage with safety mandates.
In Colorado, firework zones exist so responders can concentrate their resources, and people and pets can get out of the way. Why does Hawaii always reinvent the wheel? The people have spoken! Make reasonable laws that reasonable people can follow. Mitigate, not eliminate.
Joseph T. Bussen
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