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Israel has controlled Gaza as a virtual prison for 18 years. Gaza is a small area (141 square miles, same as Lanai) with an extremely dense population of 2.1 million.
If we on the comparatively large 597- square-mile Oahu, 4.2 times the area of Gaza, try to imagine ourselves suffering horrors of equivalent dimensions to those inflicted on the people of Gaza (enabled with U.S. money, weapons and diplomatic cover), the following image is conjured: 4,250,000 of us would be trapped on Oahu; 271,819 of our family, friends or community members would have been killed over the past 15 months and 423,000 wounded; 3,825,000 of us would be displaced; safe space would be illusion; and most essential infrastructure on Oahu would be destroyed. We’d have no operational hospitals, almost no medicine and total food scarcity. Hard to imagine? It should be.
George Hudes
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