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As expressed in the editorial on Nov. 10, it’s time to put the issue of fire sprinklers in Honolulu high-rise condominiums to bed (“Act decisively on condo sprinklers,” Star-Advertiser, Our View). There is no doubt that having fire sprinklers is much better than not, as demonstrated by fires in our high-rise buildings over the past several years that resulted in death and close calls.
If it’s worthwhile for sprinklers be installed, the city and state should participate in their financing by providing interest-only loans to the owners of the condos. Financing could be provided through the issuance of revenue bonds. The loans would be repaid in full at the time the subject properties are sold to a new owner, with the government first in line to be paid. This way an onerous immediate financial burden to existing owners would be mitigated and the goal of having sprinklers installed would be achieved.
Edward Lui
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