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A recent “Big Q” featured a question regarding how public sentiment is flowing as the Leiwili Kapolei housing project on West Oahu moves forward. The project that will add 900 residences and about 1,800 vehicles to the intersection of Makakilo Drive and Farrington Highway needs immediate infrastructure planning before it ever starts.
Right now, during traffic rush hours in both the morning and afternoon drives, that flooded intersection causes huge backups. The Makakilo Drive Completion Project, on city books for over 30 years, still languishes even as the future flood of traffic looms with the Leiwili Kapolei project driving forward.
It’s way beyond high time that traffic mitigation and safety for the 20,000 residents of Makakilo expedite the project to complete Makakilo Drive with a second exit to the H-1 Freeway before Leiwili Kapolei breaks ground. Let’s build with akamai planning.
Rita Shockley
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