Honolulu Police Department solo bike officers drive down Ala Moana Boulevard toward Waikiki on Jan. 28.
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Several respondents of an internal Honolulu Police Department survey were not happy with old equipment, staffing and morale, among other issues. All valid reasons.
As to our police department being understaffed and maybe underpaid, how many people would put their life on the line every single day?
Officers can arrest a person and fill out all the paperwork only to find the perp back on the street later the same day after being advised when they should return to court — as if that happens. They see homeless people on the streets doing all kinds of illegal things and know it is a waste of time to try to remove them. They see the Prosecutor’s Office giving a slap on the wrist to many repeat law breakers.
But, disappointing as all of this may be, police officers get up each day and do their job again. I admire them all.
Diane Tippett
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