The recent letter purporting to give a history lesson that Palestine has been an independent state is entirely false for a number of reasons (“Gaza conflict about more than right versus wrong,” Star-Advertiser, April 4).
First, in 1948, Israel expelled over 700,000 Palestinians, burned villages and slaughtered thousands of innocents and then stole Palestinian land.
Second, in 1967, Israel annexed the West Bank and placed it under military occupation. It has established numerous settlements throughout in contravention of international law and the U.N. Security Council.
Third, Israeli settlers are subject to Israeli law and represented in the Knesset. Palestinians, on the other hand, are subject to martial law and not allowed to vote.
If there is to ever be peace between Israel and Palestine, it is critical that Palestine is allowed to become a sovereign state and not subject to Israeli control. Anything less will lead to further conflicts and death.
Harry Wruck
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