As a family physician who teaches medical residents best practices in family planning care, I was disappointed to read the misinformation in a recent letter about the Title X federal family planning program (“Learn about pro-life pregnancy centers,” Star-Advertiser, March 24).
Established in 1970 with bipartisan support, the program was formed to expand options and pathways to essential health care like birth control, sexually transmitted infection screening and treatment, and pregnancy testing and options counseling for people with lower incomes. Pre-natal and post-natal services, while important for maternal and infant health, are not and never have been part of Title X.
Fortunately, Title X funding has been reintroduced in Hawaii. Over the last year, $1.7 million was allocated to support the delivery of family planning services at health centers across the islands. So-called “crisis pregnancy centers” delay access to real health services due to their biased agenda, putting the well-being of pregnant people at risk.
Dr. Komal Soin, M.D., M.P.H.
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