Signs of Hawaiian Life – March 17, 2024

At a stop in the Philippines while on a cruise in Asia, Kanani Hanohano Okuda saw the Honolulu Cafe in the Robinson Place Shopping Mall in Luzon. Photo by Okuda’s aunt, Jackie Mahi Erickson.

Janine Murray caught sight of Mochiko Hawaiian BBQ & Deli in Charlottesville, Va., and it put a big smile on her face. Photo shot by a Mochiko restaurant employee.

At left, Arlene Shimokawa, Suzy Yamasaki, Patty Kihara, Stanley Tamamoto, Kari Tamamoto, Allison Pu‘u, and Linda and Alan Kitabayashi found a slice of home at Moke’s Hawaii nearby Enoshima-jinja Shrine while visiting Enoshima Island, Japan. Photo by Riko.

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