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ACLU Hawaii is suing the city to protect the “human rights” of our needy fellow humans who pay no tax, contribute little, defecate and urinate in front of my house, and trash and lower my taxable property value (“Hawaii ACLU files motion to stop Honolulu homeless sweeps,” Star-Advertiser, Aug. 22).
Rather than finding a positive way to contribute real assistance to our countless needy unhoused people, this action is self-serving narcissism.
If you stand for the underrepresented, the ACLU should spend its donated money on something for the homeless that is for them. They don’t need ACLU’s advocacy to have the freedom to sleep outdoors. They already do.
Maybe the ACLU’s lawyering-up money could be better spent on helping the homeless get more services, and not just more sidewalks. I have discontinued my donations to ACLU. I thought it knew the definition of human rights. I was wrong.
Vali Mitchell
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