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Last week, columnist Cal Thomas lamented that he and the Republicans made a “deal with the devil” in supporting Donald Trump in 2016 (“Supporting Trump means making deal with the devil,” Star-Advertiser, June 6). This week, Thomas wrote, “Trump has brought many of his legal troubles on himself by his attitude and behavior.” Bizarrely, he then made a 180-degree turn, finishing with, “Still … prosecuting a former president could bring serious consequences for the country and future presidents” (“Trump’s supporters decry two-tier system of justice,” Star-Advertiser, June 13).
Trump has been indicted or investigated for crimes allegedly committed before (campaign-fund fraud), during (election tampering and inciting a riot), and after (abuse of classified documents) his term of office.
Is Thomas suggesting that any former president be exempt from prosecution for any crimes ever committed? That would really bring serious consequences to the country!
Brad Smith
Ala Moana
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