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What’s so wrong about holding a second job (“Ban on outside work for City Council proposed,” Star-Advertiser, May 30)? It’s better than City Council leaders getting a pay raise.
The money could go to those who are working a second job, don’t you think? They are more deserving of it.
City Council members knew what the pay would be when they ran for office. So now they want a humongous pay increase that would seem like a take away from the people they are supposed to be servicing. Who are they working for?
City Council Chair Tommy Waters said, “As elected officials, it is our duty to prioritize the needs of the community above outside interests.” But they can still serve the community. A 64% pay increase is a lot. Do they know what that could do for the community?
Instead of lining their own pockets, they should direct that money to the community they serve. That would be a wiser thing to do. Their people would love them for it.
Charlene Aoki
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