Not my first choice of words, but this is a family paper: What the heck?
Peter Boylan reported that a convicted felon with some 37 priors allegedly brought a firearm, ammunition and drug paraphernalia to the Circuit Court building, tried to gain entry, was arrested and released pending investigation (“Felon accused of bringing gun to court is released,” Star- Advertiser, April 13).
No permit, a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition, not to mention the drug stuff, and he was turned loose?
The state Attorney General’s Office won’t discuss it further because it is an “ongoing criminal investigation.”
How in the world are we supposed to take the word of law enforcement that they are serious about gun violence? Sensitive places? City Council Bill 57?
How can there possibly be mitigating circumstances that would allow this suspect back on the streets?
If he was just a law-abiding guy who had a concealed-carry permit and forgot the pistol was in his bag, would he or she be afforded the same consideration?
We gotta wonder.
Gordy Fowler
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