Al Chee was spot-on (“False to say UH athletic committee is not diverse,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, March 13).
Identity politics, divisiveness and racism have no place in any selection process, actually. These days, all of the above are so in your face. The best-qualified candidate for the job should be the one selected. Period.
If you were going to have lifesaving surgery, would you select the surgeon who has the least amount of experience but is of a certain ethnicity or gender? Of course not. You want the best surgeon regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation.
Will a sports team of the future require equal number of players of white, Asian and Black ancestry for diversity and equity, instead of the most talented players?
The media (social and traditional) are dangerously fueling divisiveness and racism. Wokeness and cancel culture are out of control and sadly absurd. Unfortunately, thanks to the media, the worst is yet to come. God help future generations.
Claudia Leigh
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